silverstripe / silverstripe-framework

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Injector factories should be passed the full service definition #4442

Open sminnee opened 9 years ago

sminnee commented 9 years ago

Injector factories could be more flexible if they were passed the full service definition as a 3rd argument.

For example, we could use a custom factory to do some special processing on selected properties. This relates to my work on #4430

One way to mitigate that disadvantage would be to set some guidelines for writing good factories.

The change would be trivial and I'll post a PR if I get buy-in, but I want to run it past people first.

sminnee commented 9 years ago

Note: the specific use-case that I want is that I want to grab the properties.Handler argument, do some processing, and pass its contents as repeated calls to Logger::pushHandler(). In doing this, my hope is that same configuration approach can be maintained even if Monolog improves things in the future to mitigate the need for a custom factory.

An alternative approach to this would be to shift the handling of the properties and dependencies argument to become part of the factory. Since it all relates to instantiation & set-up of the object, I don't see why that would be wrong, but others may disagree.

@nyeholt since you wrote the original class, it would be good to get your feedback.

sminnee commented 9 years ago

@stevie-mayhew you may have views on this.

sminnee commented 9 years ago

A related issue that came up discussing logger was the ability to inline service definitions within properties.

Right now, to create a handler with a custom formatter, two service definitions are necessary:

    class: SilverStripe\Framework\Logging\HTTPOutputHandler
      - "notice"
      Formatter: %$DisplayErrorFormatter
    class: SilverStripe\Framework\Logging\DetailedErrorFormatter

It would be nicer if a service definition could be inlined:

    class: SilverStripe\Framework\Logging\HTTPOutputHandler
      - "notice"
        class: SilverStripe\Framework\Logging\DetailedErrorFormatter

However, this gets a little bit "magic": you have to know that an map containing a class key should be interpreted as a service definition. It would be nicer if there was a mechanism for indicating an inlined service definition. I'm not sure what that should be, though.

To be flexible, I would say that service definitions should be able to be inlined wherever a service definition reference can currently be used:

In the absence of core changes, it will be possible to create custom factories that implement this in specific cases. It would also be possible to create an InlinedServiceDefinitionFactory that would scan any constructor and properties references and process the inlined service definition.

It would be easier to do this nicely if the processing of constructor and properties was shifted to be a responsibility of the factory: that is, the factory becomes fully responsible for processing a service configuration.

You could have this, which strictly speaking, would be a factory-factory, which I can't quite believe I am advocating.

$factory = isset($spec['factory']) ? $this->get($spec['factory']) : $this->getObjectCreator();

Or we could have this, which is closer to what we currently have. It's a little arbitrary that class & params are broken out separately.

$factory = isset($spec['factory']) ? $this->get($spec['factory']) : $this->getObjectCreator();
$factory->create($class, $params, $spec);

The mixing in of constructor arguments is also a little arbitrary: strictly speaking, constructor arguments should be arguments to the factory, rather than being bound directly to the constructor arguments of the underlying object. The factory-factory makes it easier to do something like this:

$factory = isset($spec['factory']) ? $this->get($spec['factory']) : $this->getObjectCreator();

We could also cache the result of $factory->createFactoryForService($spec).

nyeholt commented 9 years ago

(looks like you got your post in a few seconds before I could get my reply in!)

Just bringing across a couple of points from #4430 -

Generally speaking I agree with your points regarding the need to define additional global entities just for them to be referenced in the one place. My concern around it is related to not being able to subsequently redefine the configuration of those internally defined objects, but at that point you can always override the definition of the top level object. I guess the test of what would be appropriate is whether the inner object would be constantly overridden. What I mean is (pseudo config only)

    class: \Some\Namespace\EmailLogWriter
      subject: There was an error on your test site
    class: \Some\Namespace\FileLogWriter
      filename: /file/system/path/output.log
    class: \Some\Other\Namespace\Logger
        - %$EmailLogWriter
        - %$FileLogWriter


    class: \Some\Other\Namespace\Logger
          resolve: true
          id: EmailLogWriter
          class: \Some\Namespace\EmailLogWriter
            subject: There was an error on your test site
          resolve: true
          id: FileLogWriter
          class: \Some\Namespace\FileLogWriter
            filename: /file/system/path/output.log

In this scenario both log writers could/would be re-configured by end users - which provides more clarity?

Either way - I think the concept of adding a proper property resolver layer has merit - I'm not sure yet what the performance impact would be though.

Also - just because FactoryFactory :+1: x :100:

sminnee commented 9 years ago

OK, so without needing to agree on core changes to the Injector, my factory-factory (or "Service Configuration Processor", if you prefer) approach would let us do this, constraining the semantics of nested service definitions to the implementation of NestedServiceConfigurationProcessor.

    factory: NestedServiceConfigurationProcessor
    class: \Some\Other\Namespace\Logger
          class: \Some\Namespace\EmailLogWriter
            subject: There was an error on your test site
          class: \Some\Namespace\FileLogWriter
            filename: /file/system/path/output.log

This would mean a few refactorings:

Perhaps ServiceConfigurationProcessor can be set up as an alternative interface, so that existing Factorys can keep working. Note that I would deprecate Factory rather than maintain the two separate abstractions.

nyeholt commented 9 years ago

As an interim solution that looks like the most reasonable approach; improved property resolution would probably be the better core change to make longer term, but that is more disruptive than the proposed mechanism in the short term.

sminnee commented 9 years ago

The nice thing about this approach is that we can experiment with different property resolution approaches in individual ServiceConfigurationProcessors, to get some real-world use before baking an approach into core.

camspiers commented 9 years ago

For inspiration:

sminnee commented 9 years ago

Thanks for the list of existing implementations, @camspiers :-)

It obviously begs the question "should we replace the container with another implementation?" At a minimum I'm keen to keep an eye on PSR-11 :-)

sminnee commented 9 years ago

What are the other implementations doing?


Laravel Service Container:

League Container:



What does it mean for us?

My proposal suggests a that rather than a lambda, we provide a class implementing an interface. Given we're using Yaml, that seems like a reasonable difference. I'll keep moving-away-from-yaml as out-of-scope for now. While providing lambda-specific config might be overkill, when we're instantiating a class, it's probably useful.

No-one has really done with the inlined-resolver, although you don't need this if you work with lambdas—you just add a line to your resolver.

It's interesting that no-one else has added support for including the equivalent of a constructor-with-arguments in their DI container. This is an existing feature of Injector and its seems to be used a fair bit - e.g. to pass the $_SESSION content into the Session object retrieved from the container.

There's some quite cool stuff in other libraries using reflection on type hints to auto-mapping dependencies; Laravel is probably the most advanced here. I'm not sure that re-implement this stuff ourselves is a good idea; at that point it's probably worth swapping over to a different library.

Allowing arbitrary method calls would be good, rather than the only allowing method calls that start with 'set'. It would need some way of calling the same method multiple times; the Symfony Yaml syntax for this looks reasonable as long as you use [ and ] to construct the nested arrays.

Changes to my previous suggestion

Not too much, really, but a few tweaks:

Unrelated to the review of existing implementations but other ideas I've had:

nyeholt commented 9 years ago

Wayyy back when I first wrote the injector, I think only the Symfony injector was around and was heavily code based for wiring things. I wanted something that was text based (or at least, text wrapped in arrays...) rather than explicit object creation, and that mapped nicely to the config system at the time in 3.0.

There's some quite cool stuff in other libraries using reflection on type hints to auto-mapping dependencies

You can set Injector's autoScanProperties field to true, and it'll attempt to automatically resolve any publicly declared variables to same-named services. It doesn't do type checking at all though - at the time of implementation I think there were issues with PHP opcode caches causing reflection to return empty information for some bits and pieces, and the alternatives were a pain. Probably wouldn't be hard to include, but it works pretty well without.

camspiers commented 9 years ago

I find Symfony's DI system with compiler passes to be incredibly powerful. So much so that we integrated Symfony's DI system into SilverStripe and created an interop layer (when building an ecommerce system).

In Symfony you can tag services with additional information, and then write a compiler pass that uses that information to do something specific with the service. For a canonical example, say you are building a command line interface, and you want a way for module creators to add commands to your command line tool. To achieve this, you can write a compiler pass that finds all services with the "command" tag added to them, and add those services to the command app service (which would effectively result in something like $commandLineApp->addCommand($someCommand)).

camspiers commented 9 years ago

Also, I really love the way PHP-DI's service definition works. Leveraging the power of PHP in service definition is really appealing to me:

See the example under "Expressive configuration":

YAML, JSON and XML are turned into DSLs for service definition in many DI systems. I find this to be a significant disadvantage (I struggled a lot with the expressiveness of SilverStripe's DI system), which means that almost any additional features to the DI system needs to be baked into the DSL (Symfony gets around this with tags + compiler passes). Using the power of an actual programming language but with a preference for declarative style definitions unlocks a lot of options for extension beyond what DSLs style approaches give.

I really don't like the combination of the Config system with the Injector system, and found numerous cases when I had to resort to service definition via _config.php files using Injector. This was because the config system just wasn't expressive enough.

sminnee commented 9 years ago

I can see the benefits of using Lambdas too, but at this stage, I'm less interested in the specific merits of individual DI container and service provider systems, as I am frustrated at the amount of monolithic tight-coupling we have. It shouldn't be the case that SilverStripe comes down from the mountain to decide whether Yaml or Lambdas are better—project developers should have some choice.

There are two main areas of interconnection:

One approach would be to build a silverstripe-league-container package that bridged league/container into Injector in these two places. The league is an example; presumably we could do the same thing for other DI containers.

Once PSR-11 comes out I'd like to see us use the interfaces provided by that, and then we can hopefully tie things together without needing adapter packages.

nyeholt commented 9 years ago

Agree that the PSR should dictate the specifics of how SS interacts with an injector of any description. In the interim I think your previous suggestions are probably the most efficient step to Get Things Done.

sminnee commented 9 years ago

Yeah, I better stop talking and start coding. ;-)

camspiers commented 9 years ago


dhensby commented 8 years ago
