silverstripe / silverstripe-installer

The installer for Silverstripe CMS and Framework. Check out this repository to start working with Silverstripe!
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Incude MFA module in new projects via installer #280

Open chillu opened 4 years ago

chillu commented 4 years ago

The upcoming 4.6 release already includes silverstripe/loginforms via the installer. This way we can ensure the functionality finds its way into new projects, without causing disruption in existing projects (through an inclusion in recipes). I think we should do the same with the silverstripe/mfa and silverstripe/totp-authenticator modules. According to the MFA module readme, this should result in TOTP being enabled by default, but optional for users. The aim here is to provide more security choices by default for users. Adding MFA to new projects is close to pointless if it relies on a CMS admin caring enough about this problem space to enable the feature through a checkbox somewhere. Instead, CMS admins should be empowered to disable MFA, or require it. But the right defaults need to be in place without this interaction.

silverstripe/webauthn-authenticator should not be installed by default due to complexities around copying logins between environments, multi-domain usage, etc.

When doing this, we should also update docs in

Since we've already released 4.6.0-beta1 of the installer, this would need to be targeted at 4.7.0.

This is a very similar discussion to the inclusion in the cwp/installer.

Pull Requests

robbieaverill commented 4 years ago

I think you'd still have to define an encryption key for the TOTP module before it would be enabled by default. We've talked in the past about having an app key that could be used for that, but that might be a blocker for automatically enabling this out of the box.

chillu commented 4 years ago

Argh you're right, the screens kick in when it's not configured:


And then you get into the rabbithole of the Encryption API RFC.

Option 1: Change MFA login flow to not show when no authenticators are available (configured correctly). This is only marginally better than not shipping MFA by default, you're requiring devs to perform one task (generate secret) rather than two tasks (install mfa and generate secret)

Option 2: Generate key during composer create-project (which is the only supported way to get a new project going now that we've removed support for the PHP installer). This would write to .env. Very similar to the Laravel approach (via a composer hook and a command). Ideally this would be an "application key" rather than something specific to MFA though. This auto-generating won't happen when you transition to other environments (Dev > UAT > Prod), but that's the same issue we currently have already. I don't think we'd need to add openssl to our server requirements to achieve this, random_bytes() should be sufficient.

Option 3: Allow MFA operation with an unsecure default key, and strongly advise to generate one during project setup. I think even with a default key, we're delivering 80% of the security improvement that MFA provides. It would take a reasonably targeted attacker to know about default keys in Silverstripe and generate TOTP codes based on it. We could add a warning in the admin/security section about this?

chillu commented 4 years ago

Another reason not to include webauthn in the installer: It avoids adding GMP as a required PHP extension.

brynwhyman commented 4 years ago

I like option 2.

Although, maybe another one:

Option 4: Provide clear and easily searchable documentation (perhaps also through composer messaging?) advising how to complete the process for setting up TOTP after a project has been created. At the point of seeing this screen, the user is still able to skip the MFA flow and proceed to login.

chillu commented 4 years ago

Yeah good point about Option 4 - we could add something to the screen I posted above, e.g. "are you a developer? Here's how you fix this "

chillu commented 4 years ago

With both Option 3 and Option 4 though, the developer experience is a bit fraught. "I've just installed the project, now I need to run an arcane command in my terminal and copy/paste some output in a file I don't understand". I've tried to make this a bit more universal through, at least you don't have to worry about having the openssl command available.

Option 2 would require us to automate this process, but Option 3 and 4 would still benefit from a task that's the equivalent of Laravel's laravel generate:key. That looks pretty straightforward, unless we think that it requires us to define an encryption API (rather than using random_bytes() directly in this task).