silvestreluna / A-Helping-Hand

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Home page #4

Closed silvestreluna closed 5 years ago

silvestreluna commented 5 years ago

User Story

As a user, I should have a Home Page that welcomes me to A Helping Hand.


WHEN I open A Helping Hand, I should land on the Home Page, AND on the home page, I should see a message that says "Welcome to A Helping Hand". AND I should see a paragraph that explains what is the mission of A Helping Hand.

BELOW the mission statement, I should see "I would like to help" button and "I need help" button. AND I should see 3 samples post asking for help at the bottom of the page, AND under this help needed cards, I should see a button that says "View all needing help"


silvestreluna commented 5 years ago
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