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tgy -- Open Source Firmware for ATmega-based Brushless ESCs
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e-skateboard brakes #133

Open youbobcat opened 6 years ago

youbobcat commented 6 years ago

Trying to replicated braking.

currently hacking:

run_reverse: rcall wait_for_low nFET_brake_on i_temp1 sync_on rcall wait_for_high nFET_brake_off i_temp1 rcall wait_for_low nFET_brake_on i_temp1 rcall wait_for_high nFET_brake_off i_temp1 sync_off rcall wait_for_low nFET_brake_on i_temp1 rcall wait_for_high nFET_brake_off i_temp1

.macro nFET_brake_on

.macro nFET_brake_off
    in  @0, AnFET_port
    .if (INIT_PB & ((AnFET_port == PORTB) << AnFET)) | (INIT_PC & ((AnFET_port == PORTC) << AnFET)) | (INIT_PD & ((AnFET_port == PORTD) << AnFET))
    cbr @0, (1<<AnFET)+(1<<BnFET)+(1<<CnFET)
    sbr @0, (1<<AnFET)+(1<<BnFET)+(1<<CnFET)
    out AnFET_port, @0

This is as far as I have gotten any help would be very much appreciated!

tracernz commented 6 years ago might be of interest to you if you haven't seen it.

youbobcat commented 6 years ago

Thanks I have read about VESC but my aim was to get working a cheap redbrick ESC I own. I have everything but the dynamic throttle controlled brakes working.

Tomonickb commented 4 years ago

Did you made any progress? I am now dealing with the same thing :(, recently bought RED BRICK 100A and find out that it is braking too hard.