sim- / tgy

tgy -- Open Source Firmware for ATmega-based Brushless ESCs
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Firmware not running on selfmade esc. but blink asm test code works #144

Open gamerpaddy opened 3 years ago

gamerpaddy commented 3 years ago

Hello i built my own design esc its got two leds on PC2 and PC3 and runs on a 16mhz crystal, aswell as a dedicated n-fet gate drive ic.

after flashing tgy.asm (compiled obviously) with a slightly modified it doesnt do anything. no fet driving, no leds blinking. no output on uart TX pin.. nothing

i compile with avrasm2 -fI tgy.asm and flash via avrdude -p m8 -c arduino -P COM35 -b 19200 -U flash:w:tgy.hex (using arduino uno as ISP).

ive attached a RC receiver giving out a stable 1000-2000µS signal, still nothing. pin rcp_in on PB0 is receiving the signal.

the crystal is oscillating just fine (16mhz) but i also tried lowering F_CPU to 8M and set fuses to use the internal 8Mhz osc.. no success. theres also no output on UART TX with DEBUG_TX and USE_UART enabled

i tried commented out mux_temperature and mux_voltage in case ive put wrong resistors in there and its going in overtemp or undervoltage protection, but nothing....

i tried changing from RED_on RED_off to BLUE_on BLUE_off led's and swapped green aswell.. also tried turning off CHECK_HARDWARE, turning off the BOOT_LOADER and BOOT_JUMP.. nothing.

Then i tried using my own code to test the actual board if its even working and yes, the board itself is working, i tested it with the same fuses (lfuse 0x3F hfuse=0xCA) aswell as the fuses for the internal 8mhz oscillator, with a bare minimum assembler code thats just toggling all used pins on and off. leds work, fet drive pins work aswell and the driver is switching the fets (at 460khz ... just to see if it works)

i also tried the blueesc fork of sim-/tgy which didnt work either.

any ideas?

this is the test code:


    sbi DDRC,DDC2 ; Port pins as outputs
    sbi DDRC,DDC3 
    sbi DDRB,DDB1
    sbi DDRB,DDB2
    sbi DDRD,DDD2
    sbi DDRD,DDD3
    sbi DDRD,DDD4
    sbi DDRD,DDD5

    sbi PORTC,PORTC2 ; led red on
    sbi PORTC,PORTC3 ; led blue on
    ;test code to turn fets on/off as fast as possible no motor commutation intended just for testing pins & ports.
    cbi PORTB,PORTB1 ; CH gate driver phase C high off
    sbi PORTD,PORTD2 ; AH gate driver phase A High on
    sbi PORTD,PORTD5 ; CL gate driver phase C low on..
    cbi PORTD,PORTD4 ; BL
    sbi PORTB,PORTB2 ; BH
    cbi PORTD,PORTD2 ; AH
    cbi PORTD,PORTD5 ; CL
    sbi PORTD,PORTD3 ; AL
    cbi PORTB,PORTB2 ; BH
    sbi PORTB,PORTB1 ; CH
    cbi PORTD,PORTD3 ; AL
    sbi PORTD,PORTD4 ; BL

    cbi PORTC,PORTC2 ; led red  off
    cbi PORTC,PORTC3 ; led blue off

    rjmp Loop ; repeat

my looks like this

;* AfroESC 3                             *
;* 2012-12-02                            *
;* Fuses should be lfuse=0x3f hfuse=0xca *

.equ    F_CPU       = 16000000
.equ    USE_INT0    = 0
.equ    USE_I2C     = 1
.equ    USE_UART    = 1
.equ    USE_ICP     = 1

.equ    DEAD_LOW_NS = 300
.equ    DEAD_HIGH_NS    = 300
.equ    MOTOR_ADVANCE   = 15
.equ    CHECK_HARDWARE  = 1

; PORT B definitions *
;.equ           = 7
;.equ           = 6
;.equ           = 5 (sck)
;.equ           = 4 (miso)
;.equ           = 3 (mosi)
.equ    BpFET       = 2 ;o
.equ    CpFET       = 1 ;o
.equ    rcp_in      = 0 ;i r/c pulse input

.equ    INIT_PB     = (1<<BpFET)+(1<<CpFET)
.equ    DIR_PB      = (1<<BpFET)+(1<<CpFET)

.equ    BpFET_port  = PORTB
.equ    CpFET_port  = PORTB

; PORT C definitions *
.equ    mux_voltage = 7 ; ADC7 voltage input (18k from Vbat, 3.3k to gnd, 10.10V -> 1.565V at ADC7)
.equ    mux_temperature = 6 ; ADC6 temperature input (3.3k from +5V, 10k NTC to gnd)
.equ    i2c_clk     = 5 ; ADC5/SCL
.equ    i2c_data    = 4 ; ADC4/SDA
.equ    red_led     = 3 ; o
.equ    green_led   = 2 ; o
.equ    mux_b       = 1 ; ADC1 phase input
.equ    mux_a       = 0 ; ADC0 phase input

.equ    O_POWER     = 180
.equ    O_GROUND    = 33

.equ    INIT_PC     = (1<<i2c_clk)+(1<<i2c_data)
.equ    DIR_PC      = 0

    ;sbi    DDRC, red_led
    ;cbi    DDRC, red_led
    ;sbi    DDRC, green_led
    ;cbi    DDRC, green_led

; PORT D definitions *
.equ    mux_c       = 7 ;(comparator AN1)
.equ    sense_star  = 6 ;(comparator AN0)
.equ    CnFET       = 5
.equ    BnFET       = 4
.equ    AnFET       = 3
.equ    ApFET       = 2
.equ    txd     = 1
.equ    rxd     = 0

.equ    INIT_PD     = (1<<ApFET)+(1<<txd)
.equ    DIR_PD      = (1<<AnFET)+(1<<BnFET)+(1<<CnFET)+(1<<ApFET)+(1<<txd)

.equ    AnFET_port  = PORTD
.equ    BnFET_port  = PORTD
.equ    CnFET_port  = PORTD
.equ    ApFET_port  = PORTD