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Help with Turnigy 20A SBEC 4A - dead after flash with SimonK #62

Open dflash0 opened 9 years ago

dflash0 commented 9 years ago

I tried all possible versions under KDA to no avail. I even tried the release from 10hrs ago. I believe these new ESC are not meant to be flashed. I don't see any pads on the board, I have attached images under different post if you want to look. Basically, I get successful firmware write, but ESC does not power motor. I tried the same motor on non-flashed ESC and it works. Any suggestions?

sim- commented 9 years ago

Hello. You can't just try different versions, particularly without a current-limited supply, since the wrong target can immediately break the FETs as a result of cross-conduction through the high and low side if the inversion is wrong. There isn't really a way around this. Did you flash and test with a current-limited supply, or powered by a LiPo or similar?

dflash0 commented 9 years ago

flashed it using the power from the usb port using the socket flashing tool from the HK. I did not apply any additional power during the flash. The ESC remained connected to the KK board with no LiPo connected. After apparent successful flash, I applied power to the quad as I would to fly. All the youtube videos I see show plp doing just that. What should I have done differently?

sim- commented 9 years ago

The problem with using the USB power is that it's not enough to test-drive a motor. The problem with using a LiPo to test is that if it's wrong, it will destroy the hardware.

The best is a current-limited bench power supply, but if you can find a small switching power supply between 6V and 12Vish, it will likely also have short circuit protection and would help.

Anyway, did you give up on these or get them working eventually? You can check that the hardware is OK by trying a build with CHECK_HARDWARE enabled.