sim0n00ps / OF-DL

C# console app to download all of the media from Onlyfans accounts with DRM video downloading support
561 stars 54 forks source link

Software exits right away with an error about device_client_id_blob and/or device_private_key missing #403

Closed Ragnarok700 closed 2 weeks ago

Ragnarok700 commented 2 weeks ago

Everything was going well for over a month of weekly use. Took a break for two weeks and starting it again today (2024-06-12) and I get this in the terminal before the software closes near-instantly:

auth.json located successfully!
config.json located successfully!
FFmpeg located successfully. Path auto-detected: T:\Users\Ragnarok\Downloads\OF.DL.V1.7.54\ffmpeg.exe
device_client_id_blob and/or device_private_key missing, will be used instead for DRM
protected videos

The logs show this:

2024-06-12 12:10:00.665 -04:00 [ERR] Exception caught: Response status code does not indicate success: 404 (Not Found).

StackTrace:    at System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage.EnsureSuccessStatusCode()
   at OF_DL.Helpers.APIHelper.GetDynamicHeaders(String path, String queryParams, Auth auth)
   at OF_DL.Helpers.APIHelper.BuildHttpRequestMessage(Dictionary`2 getParams, String endpoint, Auth auth)
   at OF_DL.Helpers.APIHelper.GetUserInfo(String endpoint, Auth auth)
2024-06-12 12:10:00.697 -04:00 [ERR] Exception caught: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

StackTrace:    at OF_DL.Program.Main()

Of course, I did update my auth.json as usual and after hitting the issue a few times I upgraded my ffmpeg just in case, but it did not help.

I also figured maybe there was something wrong in my folder structure, so I extracted a new version elsewhere and tried again but it also fails the same way, too.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!

legendaryredfox commented 2 weeks ago

Refer to this issue: