sim0n00ps / OF-DL

C# console app to download all of the media from Onlyfans accounts with DRM video downloading support
561 stars 54 forks source link

Since yesterday, the plugin cannot find X_BC any more... #433

Closed peddanet closed 1 week ago

peddanet commented 1 week ago

Did they remove it? Obviously I found out because my session data was outdated again...

I am using Ubuntu22.04 with firefox, cache cleared as well as cookies, VPN activated or deactivated, freshly restarted...

Any help? Manually I didn't manage to find it either....

melithine commented 1 week ago is where to report issues with the browser extension. I just tested it under Chrome and it's fine for me. Remember you need to refresh the page and let it fully load before trying to access the extension.

peddanet commented 1 week ago

I think I did! @melithine thanks for the link!

Now I try with Chrome!!

peddanet commented 1 week ago is where to report issues with the browser extension. I just tested it under Chrome and it's fine for me. Remember you need to refresh the page and let it fully load before trying to access the extension.

Good god! You have Karma, now it works again with firefox (via snap), after 24 h!! Maybe I shouild not download a video or play it at the same time???

But I have lags in loading the of page, if I remember correctly, very often....Could they limit you in any thing? If using vpn which country shall I prefer over the others??

peddanet commented 1 week ago

But OF DL just says its incorrect!!! Cause I ran repeatedly into this issue, and I obeyed all steps of your tutorial (I am using this little helper since at least 1 or two years flawlessly!!)....IS anybody facing issues like me on al inux with cyberghost vpn??

What can be the cause else?? The stack trace is like this:

StackTrace:    at System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage.EnsureSuccessStatusCode()
   at OF_DL.Helpers.APIHelper.GetDynamicHeaders(String path, String queryParams) in /home/peddanet/Projects/OF-DL-OFDLV1.7.59/OF DL/Helpers/APIHelper.cs:line 58
   at OF_DL.Helpers.APIHelper.BuildHttpRequestMessage(Dictionary`2 getParams, String endpoint) in /home/peddanet/Projects/OF-DL-OFDLV1.7.59/OF DL/Helpers/APIHelper.cs:line 103
   at OF_DL.Helpers.APIHelper.GetUserInfo(String endpoint) in /home/peddanet/Projects/OF-DL-OFDLV1.7.59/OF DL/Helpers/APIHelper.cs:line 213
Auth failed, please check the values in auth.json are correct.

If you have previously been able to auth successfully, the most likely cause of 
this is that your browser has updated, which will change the values of the 
USER_AGENT string. The version change to this string is usually very minor and 
easy to overlook, but even a slight difference will cause an authentication 

If you are struggling to authenticate, you may want to try the browser extension
which is documented here:

Press any key to exit

@melithine @thatcoderguy @reptail How would you dive deeper here to get it better examined??

thatcoderguy commented 1 week ago

You need to upgrade to 1.7.60 - that has the auth fix.

peddanet commented 1 week ago

@thatcoderguy It seems a fight from onlyfans against the fans, they try to change everyday things to prevent from downloading? Could it?

P.S. In this case I am fighting against me, because I already downloaded that version! But jumped with bash history into the wrong command and folder.... Shame on me, sorry!!!

melithine commented 1 week ago

1.7.60 was like a week or two back. But yes they do try to fight scraping, so it's a good idea to keep tabs on new releases. You can do a custom notification on the github repo to get notified of new releases.


peddanet commented 1 week ago

@melithine I did! Thanks again! @thatcoderguy Is it necessary to give the path to ffmpeg and so on? Because this is skipped in the plugin?

@all You do a great job here!! I am to far off the topic I guess, that it would make sense to offer help here, but I just want to say thank you!! Is there a coffe cup somewhere here??

I mean the pathes to these 3 tools:

   "YTDLP_PATH": "/usr/local/bin/yt-dlp_linux",
   "FFMPEG_PATH": "/usr/bin/ffmpeg",
   "MP4DECRYPT_PATH": "/usr/local/bin/mp4decrypt"
peddanet commented 1 week ago

And last question, do we have a good description drm protected content how to create that blob or private key correctly ?

melithine commented 1 week ago

Ytdlp and mp4decrypt are not used anymore. Ffmpeg path can be set in config.json, it no longer needs to be in auth.json. For the cdm keys, it's a complex process (thankfully a one-and-done one), but if you're using Linux you probably have the chops for it. has the notes about it.

peddanet commented 1 week ago

Ytdlp and mp4decrypt are not used anymore. Ffmpeg path can be set in config.json, it no longer needs to be in auth.json. For the cdm keys, it's a complex process (thankfully a one-and-done one), but if you're using Linux you probably have the chops for it. has the notes about it.

Let me know if I can help (financially) or with coding ( guess I can develop software, but I am a bit far from the topic of security, but interested). If you need a cleaning "wife"....

peddanet commented 1 week ago

@melithine I guess, you need somehow a nice app for handling your data base. SO that you can use your downloads as an offline private only fans.... so navigating looking for keywords something like this...

melithine commented 1 week ago

You can donate to sim0n00ps via ko-fi if you want to contribute, and pull requests always welcome as well. For offline media management, I use Plex myself to stream my scraped content to my tablet/ps5/etc.