sim51 / react-sigma

Sigma React component
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type image undefined #37

Closed ian-j-stewart closed 1 year ago

ian-j-stewart commented 1 year ago

Thanks for your work on this great module. i am refactoring my code to use this module instead of the old react sigma module to render neo4j data. I use a reworked version of the neosig code to map the fields etc. I load the graph into a state and render this state so that the graph is rendered after the data is loaded and processed. I followed this example carefully to add images to nodes:

The graph renders fine unless I set type: image in the addNode function in which case I get the error:

sigma.js:622 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'process')
    at Sigma.process (sigma.js:622:1)
    at Sigma._refresh (sigma.js:698:1)
    at sigma.js:720:1

code extracts below (full module is 450 lines but can share more as useful):

import { SigmaContainer, ControlsContainer, ZoomControl, FullScreenControl, SearchControl, useRegisterEvents } from "@react-sigma/core";
import getNodeProgramImage from "sigma/rendering/webgl/programs/node.image";
import { MultiDirectedGraph } from "graphology";
import "@react-sigma/core/lib/react-sigma.min.css";

const App: FC = () => {
    var sublist = []
    const newgraph = new MultiDirectedGraph();
    const [isLoading, setLoading] = useState(true);
    const [rendergraph, setRendergraph] = useState('');`

function Neo4jToSigmaNode(node) {
    //try {if (node.labels){
       // if ({var nc =}else{var nc = "Enter Comment"}}}catch{}
        let id = (node.identity.toString())
        newgraph.addNode(id, {y: Math.random(),  x: Math.random(),   label: ,size: 3, type: "image",  image: "" })
        return ;
<div style={{ height: "500px",  position: 'relative', left: '5px', top: '0px', right: '5px', bottom: '5px'}}>Chart {toggle}
                        <SigmaContainer    clickNode={onClickNode}  graph={rendergraph}  settings={{
                            nodeProgramClasses: { image: getNodeProgramImage()},
                            labelDensity: 0.07,
                            labelGridCellSize: 60,
                            labelRenderedSizeThreshold: 15,
                            labelFont: "Lato, sans-serif"}} ></SigmaContainer></div>

I have checked that my node add function is adding the type: image and image: url fields to node.attributes.

I'm struggling with how to diagnose this. I suppose the error could be an artifact of me loading the graph into the state then rendering the state value. But it could also be a bug.

Many thanks Ian

sim51 commented 1 year ago

I can't reproduce it :

This is a list of what you test / correct on your code :

ian-j-stewart commented 1 year ago

Thanks for your response and for looking into it. I figured it out and feel a bit silly.It was a version issue with react-sigma. While I had run an npm update, I was not using the latest versions, for whatever reason. Resolving that fixed the issue.