simbiose / Encryption

Encryption is a simple way to encrypt and decrypt strings on Android and Java project.
MIT License
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Callback #10

Closed euniceg82 closed 8 years ago

euniceg82 commented 8 years ago

Hi, how would I use the encrypt/decrypt async in Activity? I already implemented the Encryption.Callback. What should I do next? Thanks!

ademar111190 commented 8 years ago


To use encrypt in an Activity it is likely any other place, if the question is about thread, you can back to main thread using activity's method runOnUiThread:

  encryption.decryptAsync(encryptedText, new Encryption.Callback() {
     public void onSuccess(String decryptedText) {
       // runOnUiThread is an activity method.
       runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
         public void run() {
           // Do anything in main thread
    public void onError(Exception exception) {}

naturally you can also create your own Handler and back to any thread that you want even the UI.

euniceg82 commented 8 years ago

Got it. Hoping that it would solve the "lag/hang" in app. Thanks!

ademar111190 commented 8 years ago

You're welcome.

The encrypt/decrypt can take a while, you can adjust some parameters and/or think in a UI/UX to deal with the delay.

So I'm going to close the issue, any doubts fell free to ask.