simdutf / simdutf

Unicode routines (UTF8, UTF16, UTF32) and Base64: billions of characters per second using SSE2, AVX2, NEON, AVX-512, RISC-V Vector Extension. Part of Node.js and Bun.
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Add high-level C++17/C++20 conversion functions #144

Open lemire opened 1 year ago

lemire commented 1 year ago

Starting with C++11, we have a full range of specialized string classes... E.g., std::u8string, std::u16string... std::u8string_view, and so forth. Strictly speaking they were introduced with C++11 (for std::string) and C++17 (for std::string_view) but std::u8string became available with C++20.

We could use std::string, assuming that it is UTF-8, but it might also use other encodings. If we are explicit that we are assuming UTF-8 then it is ok.

What we could do is to provide conversion functions. That might be helpful to some...?

The objective would be to improve quality of life for users who prefer not to mess with pointers.

#include <string>

#if defined(_MSVC_LANG) && !defined(__clang__)
#define SIMDUTF_CPLUSPLUS (_MSC_VER == 1900 ? 201103L : _MSVC_LANG)
#define SIMDUTF_CPLUSPLUS __cplusplus

#if (SIMDUTF_CPLUSPLUS >= 202002L)

#if (SIMDUTF_CPLUSPLUS >= 201703L)


inline std::u32string to_u32string(const std::u16string_view in) {
  return U"bogus code";

inline std::u32string to_u32string(const std::u8string_view in) {
  return U"bogus code";

inline std::u16string to_u16string(const std::u16string_view in) {
  return u"bogus code";

inline std::u16string to_u16string(const std::u32string_view in) {
  return u"bogus code";

int main() {
  printf("Support for C++17.\n");
  std::string mystring("hello"); // could be any encoding?
  std::u8string mystringu8(u8"hello");
  std::u16string mystringu16(u"hello");
  std::u32string mystringu32(U"hello");
  std::u32string mystringu8_as32 = to_u32string(mystringu8);
  std::u32string mystring_as32 = to_u32string(mystring);


int main() { printf("No support for C++20.\n"); }


lemire commented 1 year ago

cc @NicolasJiaxin

amosnier commented 1 month ago

I'm guessing we also want to provide a std::ranges-based API with lazy evaluation. For instance, assuming a compiler that encodes string literals as UTF-8, we want the following to work:

static_assert(std::ranges::equal("$£Иह€한𐍈" | utf8::views::decode, std::array{
    0x00000024, 0x000000a3, 0x00000418, 0x00000939, 0x000020ac, 0x0000d55c, 0x00010348, 0x00000000}));

The previous static_assert also assumes that the whole implementation is constexpr, which would be nice too, I guess.