simeonradivoev / MatterOverdrive

A Replication mod, for Minecraft
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Super Massive Tech intergration #347

Open LatentDesire opened 8 years ago

LatentDesire commented 8 years ago

I know that the mod author of Super Massive Tech will at some point be adding use for the black holes in their mod to function in a way to how yours do, as in getting larger and "eating" nearby blocks in the environment. Just thought I'd post this suggestion ahead of that implementation. I'm sure I'm not the only one who would not want the world to be torn apart in a pack that would feature Matter Overdrive, Super Massive Tech, and Thaumcraft. Though that would be a funny idea for some kind of unstable world mod pack.

Also the texture of the black holes are rather nice in that mod and look as if they scale well.

simeonradivoev commented 8 years ago

Implement it how ? What would my gravitational anomaly do in their mod ?

LatentDesire commented 8 years ago

Like I said, it's not implemented yet, but I think it will eventually be used in some crafting. (Think the current version uses the stars in the mod as a placeholder in those recipes.) If they can be used interchangeably in the fusion reactor, possibly a config to use one or the other/ spawn one or the other at world gen.

As it stands now, seeing as it's still in the works, this can be put on the back burner until that mod's black holes are fully realized. Just wanted to put up the option.

shadowfacts commented 8 years ago

I'm confused as how the mod would interact with SMT; you haven't given any concrete ideas.

LatentDesire commented 8 years ago

Still waiting on implementation of SMT's black hole in a final release. Issue is more for keeping in mind that there is another terrain destroying black hole in a pipeline. Depending on how it's implemented there, I'd be able to come up with a more concrete idea as to how the two mods would best be able to mesh. As I mentioned before, the two (three if you count Thaumcraft) in a pack would make more 2/3 seperate instances of mods that spawn something during world creation that destroys blocks while growing bigger to destroy more blocks. (With the exception of the fixed size of Thaumcraft's hungry node.)

LatentDesire commented 8 years ago

The main idea I could think of as mentioned above is SMT's black hole possibly being used as MO's gravitational anomaly. Would that be something I would need to try contacting SMT's author about? Would MO need to have an api for them to go off of?

simeonradivoev commented 8 years ago

I don't have an API for black holes. I might add one.

K4N0 commented 8 years ago

SMT is vanilla with a few tweaks. I agree that the black hole looks neat, but i prefer MO Functionality to it just looking cool. I bet you MO will eventually make their Anomaly Rival all other mods that may attempt such a thing. For gods sake, Have you went mining with the Omni Tool? Omfg MO has made it epic to just go mining, not to mention being able to dupe items in a very balanced way.

simeonradivoev commented 8 years ago

I tried doing a fully realistic black hole and it destroyed the whole world and every chunk that got generated. And if the hole was to small it disappeared.

K4N0 commented 8 years ago

It is perfect the way it is, it just needs a new texture. :+1:

K4N0 commented 8 years ago

This is Redmatter Explosive and it runs for 3min before despawning. From Voltz 1.5.2. I miss that explosive so much, well all of them, but especially Redmatter. Maybe you can make the anomaly from MO look like this. edit but smaller of course.

simeonradivoev commented 8 years ago

I wanted to make it so that when the player sees the anomaly for the first time he get's an achievement and this music starts to play

K4N0 commented 8 years ago

That is freaky. :+1:

ghost commented 8 years ago

I could be cool if there was a way of creating the anomaly.