simit-lang / simit

A language for computing on sparse systems
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Add examples from published paper #102

Open touste opened 7 years ago

touste commented 7 years ago

As a new Simit user, it would be nice to have more examples, such as the elastic shell simulation presented in the paper. Thanks!

fredrikbk commented 7 years ago

Forgive the late reply (we've been focusing hard on the compiler for Simit (taco) and have been too unresponsive of late). I've added the cloth code of @evouga in 1706c88. In addition bc902bff090f51812e2d274ba941ee3330940569 merges a port of Lulesh by @Lugatod .

fredrikbk commented 7 years ago

We are also working on an ARAP optimization code that we hope to make available the next few weeks.

touste commented 7 years ago

Thanks, this is really helpful!