Open simlu opened 8 years ago
Some ideas:
Am in support for this issue to be implemented.
Will those shape able to be moved after with arrows in main axis? If yes, will it be still possible to put a part of generated voxel of a shape in a layer and then the others in an other layers?
@MrTopom The way I see it you can draw into a layer and then select and move parts around as usual. Unless I'm misunderstanding you question.
One will be able to define custom shape logic. The logic is then used to fill an area that you outline.
Will those generated voxels shape be able to be combined like intersection, diff ?
Not sure I understand. You mean you are able to use the shapes to delete as well?
So I'm thinking there will be a separate frame to define shapes. Then in the tool you can quick select them just like photoshop does.
Where you define the shape it's basically a function. It takes xyz as input and returns a color if a voxel should be drawn, otherwise zero. Other values that can be used are dimensions and selected color. Anything else?
I'm also thinking that this will be rotated according to drawing direction? Maybe as an option? That would make it easy to add something like a line tool.
Some shape creation can be configure directly in the 3D view. In Qubicle for example, the sphere can be changed in the 3 axis by dragging arrows around the bounding box.
So I see it as a layer creation and then voxel creation/deletion in it in a dynamic way. BUT.... If you want to create a complex object you'll use multiple tools to do it and then will get multiple layers... What is not good. So the sub layer ideas that was expressed is a solution.
When creating a new object, you create a layer for it and then make all tools manipulation, adding automatically sub layers to it.
Then selected sub layers and apply action like (diff, intersect, union...) could be good to create new shape.
Wait, so when you use the shape tool you create a new layer? I don't think that's great. I have this in my head how to deal with line, shape, proc gen all in one. Will do a write up hopefully this weekend.