simmsb / calamity

A library for writing discord bots in haskell
MIT License
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`CreateWebhookData` has field `username` instead of `name`. #71

Open MorrowM opened 5 months ago

MorrowM commented 5 months ago

Relevant file:

This code snippet

invoke $
  CreateWebhook ctx' $
      { username = Just "test-webhook",
        avatar = Just " ...

yield an error

"Left (HTTPError {status = 400, response = Just (Object (fromList [(\"code\",Number 50035.0),(\"errors\",Object (fromList [(\"name\",Object (fromList [(\"_errors\",Array [Object (fromList [(\"code\",String \"BASE_TYPE_REQUIRED\"),(\"message\",String \"This field is required\")])])]))])),(\"message\",String \"Invalid Form Body\")]))})"

which to me looks like it might be caused by the fact that Create Webhook has a name field and not a username field. The question is then whether to rename the actual record selector as well. I think it wouldn't be a bad idea considering that it's been broken until now, so breakage from renaming is minimal.

There're also other types that need to be fixed, like ModifyWebhookData.

simmsb commented 4 months ago

Thanks for finding this, I've published with a fix for this: