Closed sd-design closed 9 years ago
You can locate the Filemanager anywhere. (If you want any help, please be accurate)
For example: Filemanager in folder http://localhost/filemanager/ I need to call Filemanager from http://localhost/user/manager/ I switch on all .js files - in console of browser I have error in filemenager.js "logger is undefinded"
Define logger in your config file. See
I use "logger : false"
When I use value o "logger" in native folder - all work. When I use in other folder filemanager is not work
!!!! ??? Could you paste your config file ?
you can also try last version (see commit 933614768ed57ca0ae5ac874d3f033bd092a11f4 and issue #353)
by the way, correct syntax is :
"logger" : false,
I update file "connectors/php/filemanager.class.php" Error: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'logger' of undefined in filemanager.min.js line:9
My Config file: { "_comment": "IMPORTANT : go to the wiki page to know about options configuration", "options": { "culture": "en", "lang": "php", "theme": "flat-dark", "defaultViewMode": "grid", "autoload": true, "showFullPath": false, "showTitleAttr": false, "browseOnly": false, "showConfirmation": true, "showThumbs": true, "generateThumbnails": true, "searchBox": true, "listFiles": true, "fileSorting": "default", "chars_only_latin": true, "dateFormat": "d M Y H:i", "serverRoot": true, "fileRoot": "/", "baseUrl": false, "logger": false, "capabilities": ["select", "download", "rename", "delete", "replace"], "plugins": [] }, "security": { "allowFolderDownload": false, "allowChangeExtensions": false, "allowNoExtension": false, "uploadPolicy": "DISALLOW_ALL", "uploadRestrictions": [ "jpg", "jpe", "jpeg", "gif", "png", "svg", "txt", "pdf", "odp", "ods", "odt", "rtf", "doc", "docx", "xls", "xlsx", "ppt", "pptx", "csv", "ogv", "mp4", "webm", "m4v", "ogg", "mp3", "wav", "zip", "rar" ] }, "upload": { "multiple": true, "number": 5, "overwrite": false, "imagesOnly": false, "fileSizeLimit": 16 }, "exclude": { "unallowed_files": [ ".htaccess", "web.config" ], "unallowed_dirs": [ "_thumbs", ".CDN_ACCESS_LOGS", "cloudservers" ], "unallowed_files_REGEXP": "/^./", "unallowed_dirs_REGEXP": "/^./" }, "images": { "imagesExt": [ "jpg", "jpe", "jpeg", "gif", "png", "svg" ], "resize": { "enabled":true, "maxWidth": 1280, "maxHeight": 1024 } }, "videos": { "showVideoPlayer": true, "videosExt": [ "ogv", "mp4", "webm", "m4v" ], "videosPlayerWidth": 400, "videosPlayerHeight": 222 }, "audios": { "showAudioPlayer": true, "audiosExt": [ "ogg", "mp3", "wav" ] }, "edit": { "enabled": true, "lineNumbers": true, "lineWrapping": true, "codeHighlight": false, "theme": "elegant", "editExt": [ "txt", "csv" ] }, "customScrollbar": { "enabled": true, "theme": "inset-2-dark", "button": true }, "extras": { "extra_js": [], "extra_js_async": true }, "icons": { "path": "images/fileicons/", "directory": "_Open.png", "default": "default.png" }, "url": "", "version": "2.0.0-dev" }
in index.html file, can you change :
<script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/filemanager.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/filemanager.js"></script>
and copy-paste error message again (it will display the correct line)
Error: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'logger' of undefined in filemanager.min.js line:9
filemanager.min.js it should be filemanager.js
Cache issue ?
Sorry! I did'nt see
BUt still it does'nt work
I have changed filemanager.min.js on filefilemanager.js
In Firefox it's error: TypeError: config.options is undefined In chrome it's error: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'logger' of undefined (in filemanage.js on 58 line)
It seems the config file is not read as expected (you can see it in firebug (network tab). Do you have any url to provide ?
Url are same: http://localhost/filemanager/ - work http://localhost/file/ - does'nt work May be I forgot to explain all files of filemanager located in http://localhost/filemanager/ My purpose is change location of index.html file
If you want to change index.html location you need to change the full FM to the desired folder.
I use RewriteEngine URL - my location generated by framework
That means, you should write an exception rule.
See :
Please let me know. I would appreciate to get some feedback regarding that for other code-igniter users.
I created a wiki page for Laravel. I could do the same for CI.
So ?
Still I have same problem. I can't understand application logic. I know - it's my problem, but....
see #494
I want replace root's index.html to myFoder. Ho Can I do it? I work in Codeigniter and I want to use your Filemanager in this framework.