simogeo / Filemanager

An open-source file manager released under MIT license. Up-to-date for PHP connector. This package is DEPRECATED. Now, please use RichFileManager available at :
938 stars 350 forks source link

Bug thumbnail of user #503

Closed salim-dev closed 8 years ago

salim-dev commented 8 years ago

Bonsoir, j'ai un soucie avec le générateur de vignette coté utilisateur et non coté adminisateur qui fonctionne tres bien. le générateur crée un dossier au nom de l'image (pour chaque image) et dans ce dossier il crée le dossier _thumbs et enfin dans ce dossier il génère la vignette. mais dans le dossier _thumbs principal il n'y a rien.


{ "_comment": "IMPORTANT : go to the wiki page to know about options configuration", "options": { "culture": "en", "lang": "php", "theme": "default", "defaultViewMode": "grid", "autoload": true, "showFullPath": false, "showTitleAttr": false, "browseOnly": false, "showConfirmation": true, "showThumbs": true, "generateThumbnails": true, "cacheThumbnails": false, "searchBox": true, "listFiles": true, "fileSorting": "default", "chars_only_latin": true, "dateFormat": "d M Y H:i", "serverRoot": false, "fileRoot": "/", "baseUrl": "/uploads/sources/", "logger": false, "capabilities": ["select", "download", "delete"], "plugins": [] }, "security": { "allowFolderDownload": false, "allowChangeExtensions": false, "allowNoExtension": false, "uploadPolicy": "DISALLOW_ALL", "uploadRestrictions": [ "jpg", "jpeg", "gif", "png", "svg", "txt", "pdf", "odp", "ods", "odt", "rtf", "doc", "docx", "xls", "xlsx", "ppt", "pptx", "csv", "ogv", "mp4", "webm", "m4v", "ogg", "mp3", "wav", "zip", "rar" ] }, "upload": { "multiple": true, "number": 14, "overwrite": false, "imagesOnly": false, "fileSizeLimit": 20 }, "exclude": { "unallowed_files": [ ".htaccess", "web.config" ], "unallowed_dirs": [ "_thumbs", "sources-thumb", ".CDN_ACCESS_LOGS", "cloudservers" ], "unallowed_files_REGEXP": "/^./", "unallowed_dirs_REGEXP": "/^./" }, "images": { "imagesExt": [ "jpg", "jpeg", "gif", "png", "svg" ], "resize": { "enabled":true, "maxWidth": 2050, "maxHeight": 2050 } }, "videos": { "showVideoPlayer": true, "videosExt": [ "ogv", "mp4", "webm", "m4v" ], "videosPlayerWidth": 400, "videosPlayerHeight": 222 }, "audios": { "showAudioPlayer": true, "audiosExt": [ "ogg", "mp3", "wav" ] }, "edit": { "enabled": true, "lineNumbers": true, "lineWrapping": true, "codeHighlight": false, "theme": "elegant", "editExt": [ "txt", "csv" ] }, "customScrollbar": { "enabled": true, "theme": "inset-2-dark", "button": true }, "extras": { "extra_js": [], "extra_js_async": true }, "icons": { "path": "images/fileicons/", "directory": "_Open.png", "default": "default.png" }, "url": "", "version": "" }


protected $config = array(); protected $language = array(); protected $get = array(); protected $post = array(); protected $properties = array(); protected $item = array(); protected $languages = array(); protected $allowed_actions = array(); protected $root = ''; // Filemanager root folder protected $doc_root = ''; // root folder known by JS : $this->config['options']['fileRoot'](filepath or) or $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] - overwritten by setFileRoot() method protected $dynamic_fileroot = ''; // Only set if setFileRoot() is called. Second part of the path : '/Filemanager/assets/' ( doc_root - $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']) protected $path_to_files = ''; // path to FM userfiles folder - automatically computed by the PHP class, something like '/var/www/Filemanager/userfiles' protected $logger = false; protected $logfile = ''; protected $cachefolder = '_thumbs/'; protected $thumbnail_width = 260; protected $thumbnail_height = 260; protected $separator = 'imgs'; // @todo fix keep it or not?

salim-dev commented 8 years ago

merci d avance

simogeo commented 8 years ago

protected $separator = 'imgs';

this is not normal at all ... $separator should take value 'userfiles'. Please re-install the FM

salim-dev commented 8 years ago

ok, but is it possible to change the separator , because on my project , it is necessary that the separator should have the name " imgs " not " userfile "

simogeo commented 8 years ago

Please, read : Your settings could be :

        "serverRoot": false,
        "fileRoot": "/home/www/your-app/filemanager/imgs/",

And no need to do any change in the php class !