simojenki / bonob

sonos SMAPI implementation allowing integrating different music sources with sonos.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Getting error tryingi to play song from navidrome #198

Closed rayzorben closed 4 months ago

rayzorben commented 4 months ago

Getting error `Unable to play Miles From Nowhere' - it is encoded at unsupported sample rate 24b192000 Hz.

Any idea what to do?

simojenki commented 4 months ago

Sonos will not play a 192kHz track, you need to down sample it to a supported format. See the transcoding instructions.

rayzorben commented 4 months ago

Thanks, I thought so but I am really confused. I added the custom client and it shows up in navidrome but I cannot add a transcoding to navidrome. For the new player it allows me to select aac/mp3/opus but I can't add the new ffmpeg -i %s -af aformat=sample_fmts=s16|s32:sample_rates=8000|11025|16000|22050|24000|32000|44100|48000 -f flac -

simojenki commented 4 months ago

You need to add a transcoding with that command, and then assign the transcoding to the new player.

rayzorben commented 4 months ago

Ya I just figured out this is a navidrome issue I know, but you have to explicitly allow adding transcodings with an environment variable. Guess a toggle flag in the settings is too diffficult.

simojenki commented 4 months ago

I believe that it is like that on purpose for security reasons.

ie. stops someone replacing your transcoding config with "rm -Rf /". Then the next time you play a song your system gets wiped out.

rayzorben commented 4 months ago

Are there use cases where people are allowing other people to access their navidrome instance?

either way seems like something that could be handled with permissions, one admin account, one normal account