simojenki / bonob

sonos SMAPI implementation allowing integrating different music sources with sonos.
GNU General Public License v3.0
208 stars 15 forks source link

Raspberry Pi Model B - ARMv6 #206

Closed pinknoise closed 4 weeks ago

pinknoise commented 4 weeks ago

Question rather than an issue. I've searched high and low for an answer elsewhere.

At bonob Pulling I get the response:

no matching manifest for linux/arm/v6 in the manifest list entries

Should I assume that ARMv6 is not supported? Can anything be done about that? I'm running the latest RPi OS Lite 32-bit.


simojenki commented 4 weeks ago

It's currently not built for arm V6, however in theory that could be fixed relatively easily, however;

Sonos inc. have released a new version of their app that breaks bonob

pinknoise commented 4 weeks ago

Yes, I thought I was safe from the Sonos shambles as I'm still on the S1 app but I had to rebuild my server and then couldn't reconnect to my music library. Samba issues I believe. I've installed Navidrome and since posting here discovered that Symfonium can play out to my Sonos speaker. So, all good for now, I can access my music again!

It's quite shocking what Sonos have done tbh and sorry they've wrecked your project among the million other issues they've caused.

If it ever gets fixed I could raise this again as a feature request maybe. Thanks for your response.

simojenki commented 4 weeks ago

I looked into supporting armv6, that requires a bit of work as I would need to change from using a debian base image back to the alpine base image, as node do not publish a debian armv6 image.

pinknoise commented 4 weeks ago

Thanks for taking look. I'll look into a redundant android tv device I have to see if that is more up to date as I think I'll be running in to this problem again. Portainer also out of bounds for now.

Best of luck with the Sonos issues. Cheers, I'll close thread now.