simon-brooke / youyesyet

Web-app to support canvassers in the forthcoming independence referendum in Scotland
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Followup Requests List #15

Closed simon-brooke closed 5 years ago

simon-brooke commented 7 years ago

Part of the issue experts' UI; shows a list of followup requests which require action and which are relevant to the current user's areas of expertise.

This view is available only to Issue Experts, and is the first view an Issue Expert sees after selecting Issue Expert from the roles menu.

After a canvasser has spoken with an elector, the canvasser may tag the elector with a followup request on an issue. An issue expert will have access to a screen showing all unclosed followup requests for those issues for which he or she is considered an expert. The expert may pick one from the screen, phone or email the elector to discuss the issue, and then either mark the request as closed or add a note for a further followup later.

| YouYesYet: Unclosed Followup Requests on Currency                             |
|                                                                               |
|  | Name        | Canvasser   | Canvassed   | Followup by | Contact Detail  |  |
|  +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-----------------+  |
|  | Archie Bell | Betty Black | 12-Dec-2016 | Telephone   | 01312345678     |  |
|  | Carol Craig | Donald Dunn | 12-Dec-2016 | eMail       | |  |

Picking a Followup Request from this list should result in it being temporarily removed from all other Issue Expert's views, and open the Followup Action view.

simon-brooke commented 5 years ago
