simon-brooke / youyesyet

Web-app to support canvassers in the forthcoming independence referendum in Scotland
GNU General Public License v2.0
3 stars 0 forks source link

React Native #61

Open simon-brooke opened 2 years ago

simon-brooke commented 2 years ago

It would be possible to have the app working under React Native. Some documentation on how to port a Clojure webapp to React Native is here.

The benefits of a React Native version are that people could install it on their phone, rather than downloading it from the net at the start of each session; and this would matter particularly when canvassing in geographic areas where mobile coverage is poor or patchy. The disbenefit is that we could not so easily ensure that all users were using the most current version.

This is not (for me) a priority at present, but I would accept a pull request if someone else wants to work on it.