simon-heinen / droidar

DroidAR Mobile Locationbased Augmented Reality Framework for Android
GNU General Public License v3.0
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3D Model at Geo Location #37

Open giannisergente opened 7 years ago

giannisergente commented 7 years ago

Hi, I’m working on the development of an outdoor mobile AR application for android system, oriented to augmented visualization of an historical archaeological site, from an aerial point of view (allowed by using a remotely piloted and free to fly UAV device over the site). We oriented our research to location-based tracking solutions using GPS and sensors in order to obtain the correct registration of the virtual 3D models on the real scenario. More precisely, we need to position the model in a specific GPS location and with a certain orientation, according to the user's point of view. In fact, if we move around the model, we should see its different perspectives on the handheld device screen.

Therefore our aim will be to register the model in the real scene, on the basis of the six parameters coming from GPS and sensors of the drone (latitude, longitude, altitude, yaw, pitch and roll). The analysis of state of art regarding outdoor and location-based AR scenarios led us to the open source framework DroidAR, but in the proposed demos I didn't find nothing that will work fine according to our specific task. Nothing helps me to register a 3d model at a geo location, leaving the user free to move around it, and accordingly updating the rendering of the object on the scene. Is there any example that works fine in order to reach this purpose? Have you any suggestions?

Thanks in advance