simon-smart88 / disagapp

R shiny app for disaggregation regression
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Change from named tab panels to a navigation panel with logos #9

Open simon-smart88 opened 7 months ago

simon-smart88 commented 7 months ago

We've discussed before that the double tab layout is potentially confusing. One option we could replace it with is something (vaguely) like this with logos for each component on the left of the screen. Not looked a lot into how to implement it, but I'm sure it's possible.


simon-smart88 commented 7 months ago

@timcdlucas tagging you as I don't think you see issues I open?

timcdlucas commented 7 months ago

I don't see issues as you open them. I might be able to subscribe. But also maybe it's best fr you just to tag me in the issues that you want specific feedback on and then you can feely make and close issues about other small things.

So that'd be components down the side and the subtabs still where they are? I think that might work ok.

I think the problem for me is that you end up thinking that the subtabs are the main worflow and forget about the tabs across the top. I'm not sure icons on the side highlight the components more than the tabs. I feel like maybe the subtabs need to be demphasised. Perhaps by pulling component guidance, module guidenace and save fully out the the right somewhere.

But just rough thinking.