simon-weber / Autoplaylists-for-Google-Music

Adds autoplaylists, aka iTunes "smart playlists", to Google Music.
MIT License
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Added a back button to the playlist editor to return without saving #175

Closed Dasonk closed 6 years ago

Dasonk commented 6 years ago

It's a small change. Just trying to work my way through the codebase to understand everything a bit better. I've always kind of wanted a button on the playlist editor that makes it clear you can go back without saving so I went ahead and added one. You can reject the PR if you don't like the idea or just let me know if there is a different way you'd want it implemented.

simon-weber commented 6 years ago

Cool; thanks! I'm a little hesitant to add more buttons there, though.

Thoughts on styling it like the removal links instead? I figure that'd make it less visually prominent, and it mostly matches what they do (a destructive action). A mockup with a random playlist of mine:


Dasonk commented 6 years ago

I definitely get what you're saying. I'll update the pull request tonight.

simon-weber commented 6 years ago

Thanks! I also matched the class to the other links.