simon-weber / Autoplaylists-for-Google-Music

Adds autoplaylists, aka iTunes "smart playlists", to Google Music.
MIT License
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Couldn't play the playlist. Please try again. #176

Closed rehmaj closed 6 years ago

rehmaj commented 6 years ago

Just purchased this. Synching doesn't seem to be working too well as the new playlists I've created are not synching and now I'm getting an "Couldn't play the playlist. Please try again." error when trying to play any Google Music Playlists. Ideas?

simon-weber commented 6 years ago

Roughly how many tracks are in your autoplaylists in total? My guess would be it's a lot (thousands?), and that Google got temporarily overwhelmed by it.

Usually this fixes itself after waiting for a bit.

rehmaj commented 6 years ago

They are all in the thousands, yes. Suppose there's no reason I can't lower them if that's the issue. I'll give that a try.

simon-weber commented 6 years ago

Cool. I wouldn't worry about tweaking them down: so long as the autoplaylists aren't changing very frequently it's probably just a one-time thing at the time when they were created together. As far as I've been able to figure out, their backend is sensitive to the number of changes (adds/reorders/deletes) rather than the total number of entries.

rehmaj commented 6 years ago

About 45 minutes ago I changed the playlists down to 250 songs each. I currently have only 7 autoplaylists. I still don't see some of them and can't access any of them. How long should it take to update?

simon-weber commented 6 years ago

I'd expect things to be back to normal after a few hours at most. is an example of another issue that I think is caused by the same scaling issues on Google's end.

rehmaj commented 6 years ago

Still don't have all my playlists listed and have some with 0 songs. Can't access them from a web browser, seem to be able to see them with the Android App. Thoughts? I'm trying another sync now.

simon-weber commented 6 years ago

Sounds like Google's catching up, though I'm surprised it's taken this long.

How'd the new sync go? If you're still having issues, try going into settings, clicking the checkbox under "enable change batching" then reloading the extension. There's more context on what it does in If it helps in your case I'll probably go ahead with rolling it out to everyone.

rehmaj commented 6 years ago

Still no joy. Enabled the checkbox. Still no joy.

Odd issue too. We'll take 1 random playlist. 2000's Country. I can't access it via Play Music in a web page. I can access it via Android App, it shows Sync'd just a few minutes ago, but has 0 tracks in it. When I look at it in the Extension and do a Test it has plenty of tracks there.

Where do we go from here?

simon-weber commented 6 years ago

Hm. Especially with the weird differences between the web and mobile app, I'm inclined to just try backing off and waiting one more time. Even if we still need to make changes on our end to get things working smoothly afterwards, it'll at least verify my theory that their servers get overwhelmed and catch up later on.

How about this:

This will disable automatic syncing. Avoid manually syncing for 24 hours as well. In the meantime I'll take a look at your logs to see if they're reporting anything helpful back to the client.

My hope is that 24h will be enough to get you back into a normal state, and then the change batching will prevent you from getting there again.

rehmaj commented 6 years ago

Logs attached. Plenty of errors for you to review. Sync set to 0.

simon-weber commented 6 years ago

Can you email them to me directly? It doesn't look like github's email-to-comment system picked it up.

rehmaj commented 6 years ago

Just sent now. Please confirm receipt.

simon-weber commented 6 years ago

Got them; thanks!

I took a quick look:

So I don't think there's anything actionable in the short term - I'm still reasonably confident it'll fix itself after waiting long enough - but I'll bump up the priority of those other issues in the long term.

rehmaj commented 6 years ago

OK, update. In the web browser I can now get into all the playlists. I've done nothing else with the extension. Some of them are still either empty or have less than expected tracks. I'll follow up with you in the morning for further guidance. Thanks for the responsiveness.

rehmaj commented 6 years ago

Same situation this morning. In the web browser I can now get into all the playlists. I've done nothing else with the extension. Some of them are still either empty or have less than expected tracks. Where do I go from here?

simon-weber commented 6 years ago

Great, it sounds like Google's end is back to normal. Here's what I'd recommend:

Let me know how it goes.

simon-weber commented 6 years ago

How's it going? Hope everything is working again!

rehmaj commented 6 years ago

Seems like this is working well at this point. Busy week so not much play time. Now if you can just make a volume leveling function that Google would use across the board. :)

simon-weber commented 6 years ago

Glad to hear it!

Haha, and yeah, I have no clue why they haven't added leveling. It's something I really want too.