simon-weber / Autoplaylists-for-Google-Music

Adds autoplaylists, aka iTunes "smart playlists", to Google Music.
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all syncs failing (even creating new autoplaylists) #192

Open simon-weber opened 5 years ago

simon-weber commented 5 years ago

This consolidates multiple older issues (,,, all of which describe these symptoms:

These are all consistent with the usual "Google is overloaded" hypothesis from years ago, but seems different now since pausing syncs for a few days doesn't seem to help. It does not seem to be related to auth problems, which are all fixed now (according to my reporting).

I still don't have a great solution since I haven't been able to reproduce this myself yet. The best ideas I've got are:

smichel125 commented 5 years ago

I have this issue and I'm using a Google Music free account. Sync started failing several days ago, and nothing I tried made them work again : reducing sync frequency, enabling/disabling the app, or resetting the auth token. However, if I use the same google account on a different computer, which has google sync disabled because of work policies, and I create a new auto playlist there, it will sync properly. Also, editing / saving a playlist will update it properly. "enable change batching" seems to address the problem slightly but it ends up failing again after awhile. My specific setup is that I have a lot of embedded auto-playlists, in order to create an aggregate playlist. I'm available to send any data that can help fixing this issue, as it is a big annoyance for me and makes me consider canceling my subscription.

simon-weber commented 5 years ago

Huh, that's interesting. Can you email me logs from each account after triggering a sync?

The possible link to something in Chrome isn't something I'd considered before, but makes sense in the context of the auth problems from a few weeks ago (that's managed entirely by Chrome).

EricPZ1 commented 5 years ago

I've done a couple of manual syncs for one of my lists, but otherwise haven't touched things. Syncs kept failing. However, I noticed this just now. image

smichel125 commented 5 years ago

@simon-weber after the last batch of disabling/enabling the extension, revoking auth token / re-auth, and checking "enable change batching", the sync problems have disappeared. I still have a few errors and plenty of warning in my logs, I'll send them to you shortly.

simon-weber commented 5 years ago

Everything has seemed to be working pretty smoothly lately. These changes ought to help prevent issues from popping up again.

johnrobertlawson commented 5 years ago


Sadly I still have the same problem, on all PCs/laptops.

simon-weber commented 5 years ago

Gotcha. Can you export your logs and send them my way when you have a chance?

johnrobertlawson commented 5 years ago

Well... sigh, good timing: the first sync in about a month just completed an hour ago without doing anything. So maybe it's fixed. Let me keep an eye on it, and if it breaks again, I'll send them over.

I did try to manually sync just now and I got the typical "likely due to problems on Google's end" warning message, is that expected?

simon-weber commented 5 years ago

Haha, excellent. That error isn't too surprising - if this is the first sync in a while it'd have a lot of changes - but let me know if you see it consistently. I've also got some new docs here that hopefully explain it more thoroughly.