simon-weber / Autoplaylists-for-Google-Music

Adds autoplaylists, aka iTunes "smart playlists", to Google Music.
MIT License
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Chromium - can't read/change site data #205

Open stalflare opened 4 years ago

stalflare commented 4 years ago

I have just installed the extension on Chromium and when I set it up it loads a page that looks all black where I guess I have to allow the extension to do something with my google music account. The result is that the app doesn't work as I can't really select anything from the popup.

Extension works like a charm under Chrome

stalflare commented 4 years ago

Update... Also on Chrome there is a black page loading up called "permissions" but there is no way of selecting anything of course. I guess without confirming whatever it's inside that page it's impossible for the extension to work...

simon-weber commented 4 years ago

I've never heard from anyone on Chromium. Are things like chrome.sync and OAuth permissions in the manifest supported?

I'd guess that the permissions page is the OAuth prompt. That creates a popup if I remember correctly -- are you sure there wasn't something in the background? I know some window managers can treat it strangely (eg xmonad).

stalflare commented 4 years ago

Hi there Simon, thanks for the reply. as far as I know there is no window manager running in the background, I have installed a Wayland theme I wonder if that could be the problem. But either than that is a fresh Ububntu 18.04 LTE install...