simon-weber / Autoplaylists-for-Google-Music

Adds autoplaylists, aka iTunes "smart playlists", to Google Music.
MIT License
94 stars 18 forks source link

Google Play Music is shutting down #207

Open Mandrilletje opened 3 years ago

Mandrilletje commented 3 years ago

It's official 😞 Thanks for the great extension, Simon. I've really enjoyed using it for many years. I hope you'll be able to recreate a similar extension for Youtube Music.

For anyone else interested, consider signing up to Simon's blog here to stay updated.

simon-weber commented 3 years ago

We had a good run!

I've only looked at Youtube Music briefly, but I wouldn't hold your breath for autoplaylists support there. Even putting aside the effort to support a new platform, there's a few key pieces (eg OAuth) that are unlikely to work at all with Youtube Music. But, hey, you never know!

BatmanAoD commented 3 years ago

@simon-weber Thank you for maintaining this, and for departing with grace via the email on the mailing list! I've been pretty disappointed with YouTube Music as well.

simon-weber commented 3 years ago

Sure thing!

Here's a link to the email for folks not on the mailing list: