Open ghost opened 12 years ago
Off the top of my head, I think it's just a single call. I don't remember what exactly, though. Pull requests are always welcome!
I too would love this call if you can find it! This is the one piece that im missing.
Sure thing; I'll look into it.
Sorry for the delay!
The call is made to services/getmixentries
and looks like:
[["<newstyle session id>",1],[[["<song id>",null,1,[],[]]]]]
the response is totally gross, and seems to include song dictionary information, eg:
,[[[["<requested song id>",["","",,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,1,0,-1,0,0]
,[["55e3f0ab-5bac-33c4-8b97-e249cc34f68c","Empty","//","Anathema","Alternative 4","","empty","anathema","alternative 4","","","Metal","metal",178984,3,14,1,1,1998,0,,,0,0,1361551889038581,1361999919506480,,,"Tzdwbkhcuvxx4kiiwrpsbcftctm",6,"",,,"A2bajq3munahcdk3imjx3ozow64",256,1361551927496000]
,["00816850-42dc-32ca-b1d2-e628f246edb6","Destiny","//","Anathema","Alternative 4","","destiny","anathema","alternative 4","","","Metal","metal",131950,10,14,1,1,1998,0,,,0,0,1361550760940101,1361678466297239,,,"Tvnrtx54rw62ttivl6wwchg2p2y",6,"",,,"A2bajq3munahcdk3imjx3ozow64",321,1361550760939000]
,["45f4551a-151d-311d-8ef8-4a118c7c26ec","Shroud of False","//","Anathema","Alternative 4","Anathema","shroud of false","anathema","alternative 4","anathema","","Metal","metal",96803,1,14,1,1,1998,0,,,0,0,1361574609659231,1361678822612695,,,"Tiv7yqfjda6at7gwn3rvd2rxzpy",2,"",,,"A2bajq3munahcdk3imjx3ozow64",256,1361574665145000]
I've seen a lot of requests/responses that look like this recently. It seems like a trend away from user-readable json objects and towards structs; this could makes things a lot more annoying for us.
I'll probably expose this with something like api.get_related_songs(song_id)
and return a list of song ids.
Thanks Simon! Your awesome! I am anxious to see the implementation! Confused however, what is "newstyle session id"? Will this be included in the doumentation somewhere?
It pops up in most of the calls now, but doesn't seem to be required (yet).
I haven't figured out how it's generated, but it doesn't seem to come from the server.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but a quick test seemed to show that create_station creates an instant mix based on the seed track/album/artist. I just tried it without and AA subscription and it returned songs only in my library.
Oh, cool; thanks for bringing it to my attention.
As a heads up, I don't have a lot of time this week, but I can probably dig into this over the weekend.
Whew, this is an old issue! This will be handled by #263 when it lands.
Hi, Is it possible to add functionality for getting the Instant Mixes that Google throws together? I don't mind writing it myself, but I was just wondering if you knew the particular call of the top of your head or something.