simon04 / whodidit

OpenStreetMap Changeset Analyzer
69 stars 11 forks source link

Please add link to osm-change-viz #45

Open momu opened 4 years ago

momu commented 4 years ago

Is it possible to add a link to osm-change-viz? URL is<changesetid>

ghost commented 4 years ago

The three grey squares just gave me a headache. Can't see anything.

momu commented 4 years ago

Three grey squares? should look like


ghost commented 4 years ago


momu commented 4 years ago

What do you see exactly?

ghost commented 4 years ago

Low contrast does nothing for me. Some of us web users are over "30 years old". There used to be a requirement that web sites be accessible to all, not just the 20/20 sighted young 'uns. There's even a working group, . The "fashion" for grey text on grey backgrounds is really annoying. I guess fresh graphic designers are at the root of this. Graphics are even worse. Form should follow function, not the other way round. Even GTK have jumped on the low contrast wagon. I have to edit the CSS of many applications now to make make them useable to an old git like me.

Sorry for the rant, but that website is unusable to me in it's current form. Aside from which, where's a link to the source code so I can leave my comments there as they don't really belong here at all.

momu commented 4 years ago

Puh. Sourcecode: don't know, you should ask the author ( or @pa5cal) directly.

pa5cal commented 4 years ago

@momu You could use "Latest OpenStreetMap Edits per Tile". It's in some parts similar to WhoDidIt and it's linking to the mentioned "unusable" webpage.

@EvansMike Thank you very much for your comments. You can close this issue.

ghost commented 4 years ago

@pa5cal I can't close this, not my account. I like the site you referenced above, thanks.

momu commented 4 years ago

@momu You could use "Latest OpenStreetMap Edits per Tile". It's in some parts similar to WhoDidIt and it's linking to the mentioned "unusable" webpage.

@pa5cal Thanks for both tools. I've already saw and checked Edits per Tile, but it seems to lack a RSS feed. I'm using WhoDidIt at the moment for doing QA in watched areas from time to time. RSS is perfect for me as the changes per watched area pile up in my feed reader.

simon04 commented 4 years ago

What's the résumé of this discussion regarding WhoDidIt? Shall we link to or not?

momu commented 4 years ago

What's the résumé of this discussion regarding WhoDidIt? Shall we link to or not?

I would appreciate it, who does not want to use it can just ignore the new link.

Bibi56 commented 4 years ago

@momu, @simon04 it may be better to check that WhoDitIt works with the browser addon OSM Smart Menu. You can add the template for WhoDitIt and then open an issue on their repository.

momu commented 4 years ago

@momu, @simon04 it may be better to check that WhoDitIt works with the browser addon OSM Smart Menu. You can add the template for WhoDitIt and then open an issue on their repository.

@Bibi56 I already opened an issue over there. And it is already integrated. But what I'm missing is a link in the RSS feed. When I'm browsing changes I do it in my RSS reader and there it would be nice to have a direct link.