simon360 / react-from-markup

Declare your React components with static HTML
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feat: support containerless rehydration #48

Open chrisvxd opened 4 years ago

chrisvxd commented 4 years ago


Implements support for containerless rehydration. Instead of

    <div data-react-from-markup-container>
      <div class="Clock" data-rehydratable="Clock">

You can now have

    <div class="Clock" data-rehydratable="Clock">


It does this by:

  1. Using the keys from the rehydrators object to query select all data-rehydratable tags
  2. Wrapping the root of that rehydratable in another element
  3. Using the new container as the React root

Breaking changes

It also introduces two breaking changes:

  1. rehydrateChildren now returns an object containing container and rehydrated
  2. data-rehydratable must now match the rehydrator key provided in rehydrators

The first of the two is perhaps not necessary, but I can't quite remember the behaviour of rehydrateChildren. It may be possible to avoid a breaking change to this, and instead just implement the container swizzle a layer above.



My goal is to eliminate any markup delta entirely by optionally supporting class names instead of data-rehydratable, but this has some performance considerations I need to hash out.

I'm also aware that you may have reasons other than those we have already discussed for wanting a container, so feel free to throw this back in my face.