simon987 / sist2

Lightning-fast file system indexer and search tool
GNU General Public License v3.0
843 stars 55 forks source link

Trying to index RO filesystem, getting " index has read-only-allow-delete block" #487

Open jaxjexjox opened 2 months ago

jaxjexjox commented 2 months ago

Ubuntu 22.04 host. RO SMB mounted mapping out of /mnt/ (it's critical data, no room for mistakes)

Docker compose:

version: "3"

    image: elasticsearch:7.17.9
    restart: unless-stopped
      # This directory must have 1000:1000 permissions (or update PUID & PGID below)
      - ./elastisearch-sist2-es-data/:/usr/share/elasticsearch/data
      - "discovery.type=single-node"
      - "ES_JAVA_OPTS=-Xms2g -Xmx2g"
      - "PUID=1000"
      - "PGID=1000"
    image: simon987/sist2:3.4.2-x64-linux
    restart: unless-stopped
      - ./elastisearch-sist2-admin-data/:/sist2-admin/
      - /mnt/DataOnARRAY:/DataOnARRAY
      - 4090:4090
      # NOTE: Don't expose this port publicly!
      - 8055:8080
    working_dir: /root/sist2-admin/
    entrypoint: python3
      - /root/sist2-admin/sist2_admin/

Added /DataOnARRAY as a mount inside the container Can : sudo docker exec (Container name) and perform ls to see contents. Unsure what this could be

jtvn commented 1 month ago

@jaxjexjox I have it running with read-only access. But I have configured the mount as such (so Docker also knows it is read-only):


My full mount path is:


Can you try that - and also clearly specify what you have tried? Maybe attach a log if it does not work :)?