simonalveteg / Workout-Tracker

A Workout Tracker for Android written with Jetpack Compose using MVVM architecture, a room database and dependency injection with dagger hilt.
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Statistics screen #21

Open simonalveteg opened 1 year ago

simonalveteg commented 1 year ago

Display history of SessionExercises. Line graph with lines for average and max? 5/3/1 info? Exercise settings maybe?

simonalveteg commented 1 year ago

Should be divided into two different Screens. One for overall statistics and one for specific exercise statistics. Session stats (if there are any) can be displayed in the session info bottom sheet.

Overall Statistics:

simonalveteg commented 1 year ago

Also show session frequency as GitHub style heatmap at the top of HomeScreen?

simonalveteg commented 1 year ago