simonalveteg / Workout-Tracker

A Workout Tracker for Android written with Jetpack Compose using MVVM architecture, a room database and dependency injection with dagger hilt.
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Code Formatting #55

Open pabloscloud opened 6 months ago

pabloscloud commented 6 months ago

Hey :)

I've discovered your app the other day and noticed stuff isn't run through kotlin lint. Just did some formatting, nothing too fancy.

I added a bottom bar navigation inside of the main branch of the fork if that's interesting.

simonalveteg commented 5 months ago

Hey! Thanks for showing an interest in the project, and sorry for taking so long to respond 😅 I think most of the formatting changes are due to my preference of having 2 spaces instead of 4 for indentations, but I noticed some other changes that I'll look through when I have the time! Would you recommend using something like ktlint to check for formatting automatically? I usually just auto-format the files (with my custom indentation rule) when I've added something to them.

I looked through your fork (and your Overload app, nice!), I don't think I'll implement a bottom navigation bar since I don't plan on having that many destinations, but I have to say that I'm very impressed by your code and structure! Do you have any recommendations for resources you've found helpful to get better at android development?

pabloscloud commented 5 months ago

Would you recommend using something like ktlint to check for formatting automatically?

Yes, I've even set it to automatically run when the file is saved.

and your Overload app, nice!

Naww, thanks!

I don't think I'll implement a bottom navigation bar since I don't plan on having that many destinations

That's of course totally up to you and why I didn't create a PR :)

but I have to say that I'm very impressed by your code and structure! Do you have any recommendations for resources you've found helpful to get better at android development?

Thank you!! I think I could still improve a LOT, but I've been creating an app on iOS which probably helped me and I ask AI to reformat the code and check if I can make code nicer and more human readable. I'll hope to improve myself in that matter as well :D