simonbengtsson / eventcal

Filter to only include attending and maybe facebook events in ical and google calendar
MIT License
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'maybe' events not showing #7

Closed Yo-L closed 7 years ago

Yo-L commented 8 years ago

Hi, Thanks a lot for building this! I've used Sunrise calendar for a long time, which had awesome Google calendar and Facebook events integration. Since they're pulling the plug I'm looking for alternatives, this seems great.

I got my 'attending' Facebook events to show up, but my 'maybe' events don't show, even though I selected it and it says status=ACCEPTED,TENTATIVE in the URL. When I only select 'not responded to', I get all my 'maybe' events to show as well as my 'not responded to' events.

Is there anything I have to do differently? Thanks in advance!

MrHappytime commented 8 years ago

I have also run into this issue. Changing 'TENTATIVE' to 'INTERESTED' or 'MAYBE' did not help either. Is there a different value needed for this?

Yo-L commented 8 years ago

Somehow the issue resolved itself for me after a day or so. I have no idea what happened, bu now I have three beautiful different calendars in Google that I can turn on and of and have different colors: One 'attending', one 'interested', one 'invited'.

MrHappytime commented 8 years ago

That's a great idea! What values did you use for the status on the calendars? Since i can't get TENTATIVE to work...

Yo-L commented 8 years ago

The other two worked instantly for me, the 'tentative' events didn't appear so I gave up after posting here. Then when I came back to it later (one day or a few days or so) they where there. Have you given it some time? Maybe they need more 'processing time'. I read somewhere that some external Google Calenders you add refresh / pull data only once a day.

The url just ends with &status=TENTATIVE `

MrHappytime commented 8 years ago

I set it up yesterday morning. I'll set up separate calendars today and see what happens coming days; see what happens. Thanks!

edit: Just noticed the site was down. Might that have something to do with it? and now I lost my url webcal url :(

simonbengtsson commented 8 years ago

I'm on holiday at the moment and forgot to renew the domain. Will do that tomorrow and it should be up and running again.

MrHappytime commented 8 years ago

Tested and it's all working now! Thanks a lot! This is great; now i can finally organize my life :)