Closed loganscodes closed 2 months ago
When I justify the text, line breaks are not working. Here is my code.
doc.autoTable({ theme:['grid'], startY:280, styles: { fontSize:10, textColor:80, cellPadding:1, /*rowHeight:700 /*font: 'arial'*/ halign: 'justify' }, margin: margen, bodyStyles: { valign: 'middle', //(doc.internal.getNumberOfPages()!=1) ? 'middle' : 'top', cellPadding: 10, lineColor:'#fff', //rowHeight: (doc.internal.getNumberOfPages()==1) ? 700 : 'auto' , }, tableWidth: anchoTable, tableLineColor:'#fff', body: [[contenido]] })
Likely duplicate of
When I justify the text, line breaks are not working. Here is my code.