Open aynuayex opened 1 week ago
export the type HookData from the library so that we can use it?
// eslint-disable-next-line new-cap const doc = new jsPDF() // Define the header and footer content const header = () => { doc.setFontSize(14) doc.text('Company Name: Alem Expect Solution', 14, 22) // Custom header doc.text( 'Address: Addis Ababa Ethiopia, Gerji Mebrat Hail, Mag Building 204 office', 14, 27, ) // Custom footer } // Define the footer content const footer = (pdfdata: HookData) => { // const pageCount = doc.internal.getNumberOfPages() // const pageCount = doc.internal.pages.length - 1 const pageCount = doc.getNumberOfPages() doc.setFontSize(10) doc.text( `Page ${pdfdata.pageNumber} of ${pageCount}`, pdfdata.settings.margin.left, doc.internal.pageSize.height - 10, ) // Footer with page count } // Safely map over data rows or use an empty array if data is undefined const dataRows = data?.data?.map((row) => => { const accessor = col.accessorKey as keyof FinanceReportType // Assert accessorKey as a key of FinanceReportType return accessor ? row[accessor] : '' }), ) || [] // Create the table with data autoTable(doc, { head: [ => c.header)], // Table header body: dataRows, // Table body startY: 40, // Start the table below the header didDrawPage: (pdfdata) => { header() // Add header when drawing the page footer(pdfdata) // Add footer when drawing the page }, }) // Save the PDF to the browser'example.pdf')
export the type HookData from the library so that we can use it?