simonbengtsson / jsPDF-AutoTable

jsPDF plugin for generating PDF tables with javascript
MIT License
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Cell wrapping two pages with overflow linebreak behaves strange #53

Closed cometaRobertillo closed 9 years ago

cometaRobertillo commented 9 years ago

Bro, im not sure if im making a mistake using your plugin, but, i was looking for days about the options and can't found something about this.

When you insert with jsPDF an image before the autotable, the auto sizing of table lost the control of the page, putting the last row (if the content of the column is extence) in the next page, but.. not the complete last row, only the content of the extence column and the columns after that. i found the solution putting top/bottom margins and adding footer to force the pluging to add the content in the right way, if only im doing it wrong, tell me please.

Thanks for your work, its a good plugin bro.

Saludos Desde México!

simonbengtsson commented 9 years ago

Hi! Can you post the code you are using? Preferably a working example on codepen or similar that demonstrates the issue. Unfortunately I'm not sure I understand your problem

cometaRobertillo commented 9 years ago

Sure, take a look

$scope.callJspdfAfterSubmitButton = function(){

var doc = new jsPDF('p', 'pt', 'letter');
var elementHandler = {
  '#ignorePDF': function (element, renderer) {
    return true;
var canvas = document.getElementsByClassName('canvasjs-chart-canvas');
document.getElementById('chartContainer').style.width = "550px"

var imgData = canvas[0].toDataURL("image/png", 1.0);

doc.addImage(imgData, 'PNG', 30, 15);

var totalPagesExp = "{total_pages_count_string}";

var footer = function (doc, lastCellPos, pageCount, options) {
var str = "Page " + pageCount;
// Total page number plugin only available in jspdf v1.0+
if (typeof doc.putTotalPages === 'function') {
  str = str + " of " + totalPagesExp;
  doc.text(str, options.margins.horizontal, doc.internal.pageSize.height - 30);

var options = {
  renderFooter: footer,
  startY: 315, // The start Y position on the first page. If set to false, top margin is used
  overflow: 'linebreak' // false, ellipsize or linebreak (false passes the raw text to renderCell)

var columns = 
  [{title: "col1", key: "key1", width: 90 },
  {title: "col2", key: "key2", width: 300},
  {title: "col3", key: "key3", width: 220}, 
  {title: "col4", key: "key4", width: 90}, 
  {title: "col5", key: "key5", width: 100}];

var data = $;

//parametros (columnas, info, options)
doc.autoTable(columns, data, options);
if (typeof doc.putTotalPages === 'function') {


see the result, bro.

Erase photo for personal reasons, bro if i set

margins: {bottom: 160},

the problem is fixed, but only because i say the last row was created soo distant from page foot, you know?.

if my columns have a loot of info, the issue appear.

cometaRobertillo commented 9 years ago

If can't understand what happen here with this portion of code and the image, please tell me, to make a working demostration.

simonbengtsson commented 9 years ago

Thanks for reporting this issue! When I tried your code and found multiple bugs when having long text in a table wrapping more than one page. I don't think it has anything todo with images though? I will look into this as soon as possible.

Partly this is fixed in the very experimental version 2.0 of the library which can be found in the v2 branch. However, there were still issues and it's probably not worth testing until it is officially released.

cometaRobertillo commented 9 years ago

Maybe i should change the issue name, right? because Isnt the image problem, i think it was but.. is just the columns wth long text.

i will try version 2.0 thnx for quick answer!

Good luck.

simonbengtsson commented 9 years ago

It should now definitely be fixed in version 2.0. Keep in mind that custom column widths are not supported in that version as of yet however.

cometaRobertillo commented 9 years ago

One last thing SomeAtoms, what should i change in my code to make it run?... can't make it ran with v2

simonbengtsson commented 9 years ago

I will write an upgrade guide when it is officially released. For now you would have to check the examples.

simonbengtsson commented 9 years ago

Version 2.0 is released which should fix this issue.