simonbs / Runestone

šŸ“ Performant plain text editor for iOS with syntax highlighting, line numbers, invisible characters and much more.
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Line number gutter blocking selection bar #333

Open jbromberg opened 6 months ago

jbromberg commented 6 months ago

What happened?

This is sort of a nitpick, but when selected on text that is next to the line number, the selection bar is clipped. It would be great if the selection bar was rendered above the line number gutter. IMG_46AB3CC9E51F-1

What are the steps to reproduce?

Select text next to line number gutter

What is the expected behavior?

Selection bar renders on top of the line number gutter

simonbs commented 6 months ago

Thanks for opening the issue. Iā€™ll see if thereā€™s a good way to address this in a future update to Runestone.

Selection bars are also shown below the navigation bar, even when a UITextView is scrolled to the top, so I donā€™t consider this a critical issue. At the time being, it can be worked around by increasing the textContainerInset.

Iā€™m working on a big update to the framework and will consider good ways to fix it as part of that update.

jbromberg commented 6 months ago

Awesome thanks. I've just started using Runestone and it's been great. Looking forward to the update!