simondankelmann / Bluetooth-LE-Spam

GNU General Public License v3.0
3.71k stars 290 forks source link

Debug logs in app to send to the developers #155

Open acidvegas opened 7 months ago

acidvegas commented 7 months ago

I had this app working fine on my Galaxy s21 but I am on a pixel 7a now using Graphene and IO noticed, while the app works and looks functional, I am not getting any data outgoing. I use the same attack on my flipper and itll Light up a phone I am testing it on, but with this app on this model, It isnt doing anything anymore.

Would be cool to see there could be a debug log generated from app open to close to send in for further analysis.

I absolutely love that you made this into an android app btw.

ha2ked commented 7 months ago

Thanks for the idea will look into it

hitem commented 1 month ago

Same here! I use a S22+ in my lab. I have each release stored and did some extensive testing today - the first release works flawlessly (and all releases up to 1.0.3) - i can use any method, even windows spam and it works! As soon as i update to any other version (or blank install a new version) i get all the success messages, i get all green on requirements and it starts the spams, but nothing appears on my Android, Windows or Iphone devices next to it. Then i uninstall and revert to first version/release and it works instantly.

Would be supergreat to be able to provide some sort of diagnostics or similar, im not sure how to troubleshoot this as im fairly new to Android tinkering.