simondankelmann / Bluetooth-LE-Spam

GNU General Public License v3.0
3.45k stars 274 forks source link

Location permission allow only while using the app #246

Open Mark7888 opened 2 months ago

Mark7888 commented 2 months ago

Why does this app need the location permission set to always? It doesn't even start, if I change the location permission to allow only while using the app. What's the reason it demands the always permission?

I generally don't really like the idea of granting constant locaiton permission to an application. There are some exceptions, like google maps, but in my opinion, this application supposed to work just fine with the other permission setting.

ha2ked commented 2 months ago

It's for the spam detector so that we can detect in real time and get a notification. It doesn't need it if you don't want that feature. We don't collect any data anyway.

Mark7888 commented 2 months ago

That's understandable, but if I only grant foreground location permission, the app crashes, and doesn't even start

simondankelmann commented 2 months ago

Then we might have a bug here. As @ha2ked already explained, the benefit of using this permission is to continue ble scanning in the background and notify on any detected spam or flipper devices. it should still be possible to use the app without granting, youre right there