simondankelmann / Bluetooth-LE-Spam

GNU General Public License v3.0
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"Easy Setup Buds List" does not work on Galaxy A32 #251

Closed liolouiiii closed 2 weeks ago

liolouiiii commented 2 months ago

Spam "Easy Setup Buds List" doesn't work on Galaxy A32 seriously I even ran it with a neighboring Galaxy S10 and the result: the Galaxy S10 doesn't see any packets. Even if I turn on "Spam Detector" on the S10 it doesn't see any activity but all other BLE advertising work, maybe I'm dumb, maybe it's just that the Bluetooh module doesn't fit, either way it doesn't work.

UPD: Yes, I tried reinstalling the app, but in the end it doesn't work.

ha2ked commented 2 months ago

Odd but it has been semi-patched