simondankelmann / SubMarine

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Brute force #16

Open wh1ter0z opened 7 months ago

wh1ter0z commented 7 months ago


Brute force is available?

Or available as soon?

simondankelmann commented 6 months ago

Brute force for what exactly ? but i think the answer will be no... :D

wh1ter0z commented 6 months ago

Brute force for what exactly ? but i think the answer will be no... :D

Other cc1101 tool have this option ...

Jam option + Brute force to open gates

   if (strcmp_P(command, PSTR("brute")) == 0) {

        // take interval period for sampling
        setting = atoi(strsep(&cmdline, " "));
        // take number of bits for brute forcing
        setting2 = atoi(cmdline);
        // calculate power of 2 upon setting
        poweroftwo = 1 << setting2;

        if (setting>0)
        // setup async mode on CC1101 and go into TX mode
        // with GDO0 pin processing

        //start playing RF with setting GDO0 bit state with bitbanging
        Serial.print(F("\r\nStarting Brute Forcing press any key to stop...\r\n"));
        pinMode(gdo0, OUTPUT);

        for (brute = 0; brute < poweroftwo ; brute++)  
           for(int k = 0; k <  5; k++)  // sending 5 times each code
             for(int j = (setting2 - 1); j > -1; j--)  // j bits in a value brute
                 digitalWrite(gdo0, bitRead(brute, j)); // Set GDO0 according to actual brute force value
                 delayMicroseconds(setting);            // delay for selected sampling interval
               }; // end of J loop
             };  // end of K loop
             // checking if key pressed
             if (Serial.available()) break;
        Serial.print(F("\r\nBrute forcing complete.\r\n\r\n"));

        // setting normal pkt format again
        // pinMode(gdo0pin, INPUT);
        } // end of IF        
        else { Serial.print(F("Wrong parameters.\r\n")); };
