I would like to be able to execute not just features in parallel but scenarios as well. The reason for that is I want to run my scenario over multiple devices using appium and a cloud mobile automation provider (on real devices) like testdroid. It will take forever running this in series over 100 of devices and the can all run concurrently or limited by the cloud provider or something else.
Simplified example
Scenario Outline: Registration
Given I have a <Device>
When I enter my credentials
Then I should be registered
| Devices |
| iPhone 6 |
| iPhone 5 |
| Samsung S5 |
If you can point me in the right direction or any help will be appreciated!
Fist thank you for this - it works fantastic!
I would like to be able to execute not just features in parallel but scenarios as well. The reason for that is I want to run my scenario over multiple devices using appium and a cloud mobile automation provider (on real devices) like testdroid. It will take forever running this in series over 100 of devices and the can all run concurrently or limited by the cloud provider or something else.
Simplified example
If you can point me in the right direction or any help will be appreciated!
Thank you.
Regards, Riaan