simonedelmann / crud-kit

CRUD for Vapor 4. We all write CRUD (Create-Read-Update-Delete) routes all the time. The intention of this package is to reduce repeating code and to provide a fast start for an API.
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Publicable - force unwrap id #4

Closed nightwill closed 4 years ago

nightwill commented 4 years ago

Hi Simon. I'm starting a new project and trying to use your library. My English is not very well, sorry.

extension Key: CRUDModel {

    var `public`: Public {

        Public.init(id: id!, title: title)


    struct Public: Content {

        var id: UUID

        var title: String



I need "id" in many cases, so I will always have to use "!" to force unwrap optional "id".

simonedelmann commented 4 years ago

@nightwill The optional id is a feature of Fluent itself. But you can return an optional in your Public struct like this:

extension Key: CRUDModel {
    var `public`: Public {
        Public.init(id: id, title: title)

    struct Public: Content {
        var id: UUID?
        var title: String

If I misunderstood something and there is an issue with crud-kit please don't hesitate to correct me!

nightwill commented 4 years ago

In my case, optional "id" is not acceptable, so usually, I use

import Vapor

struct KeyResponse: Content {
    let id: UUID
    let title: String

extension KeyResponse {

    init(_ key: Key) throws { = try key.requireID()
        self.title = key.title

So I would like to have somthing like:

func `public`() throws -> Public {
     try Public(id: try requireID(), title: title)
simonedelmann commented 4 years ago

@nightwill Please apologize, I still don't understand how this is related to crud-kit.

If your Public struct is equal to your base model except for the non-optional id, you don't need a Public struct at all. Crud-Kit always returns model instances from the database, so they will always have an id. (This behavior is verified by tests.)

If you want to provide a Public struct, you can make the id optional and still be sure it will be there. But if you insist in a non-optional id, you will need to force unwrap the id or use requireID().

nightwill commented 4 years ago

Thank you for your response. I'm rewriting a large project using microservices architecture, and I will use many CRUD models. In most cases "public" model a little bit different than a corresponding model in DB. Now I have the choice: write each time force unwrapping "!", or using optional id in a model. It's just my preference but I hate to write "!". It's unsafe, and I don't use it anywhere in my project. Or I should use optional id in my model - it isn't a perfect way too. I think many developers will face the same problem using your great library. So it's just my thoughts and maybe just my private preferences.

It wasn't a real problem, but just a wish. You can close the issue.

PS. I love this lib and still using it)) Thank you for your job.

simonedelmann commented 4 years ago

Thanks! Now I do understand. Unfortunately the optional id is not related to this package but part of the protocol Model defined in vapor/fluent-kit. I am not touching this in my code.

I was exploring custom autogenerated responses in the beginning but due to Swifts limitations with reflection I am afraid what you ask for is currently not possible in a generic way. Still I might be wrong and if you have an idea, I would be glad to see!