simoniz0r / spm

spm is a simple commandline package manager written in bash
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Downloads with direct links that need to be kept updated manually #14

Open simoniz0r opened 6 years ago

simoniz0r commented 6 years ago

These AppImages have links which do not redirect to the latest version automatically. I'm working on writing a script that I can run daily to check for new URLs so that updating these links doesn't have to be entirely manual on my end.

* = possibly remove from list

simplescreenrecorder repetier-host optifmus nextcloud livezilla krita kate flexvdi audacity drawpile plex blender falkon ipe peruse musescore nbb cutereport bscc rpcs3 serialplot voltra skycoin stopgo nootka emu-player digikam synfig cura kdenlive evothings openxcom firefox

hub229ox commented 6 years ago

if the script works for Kate, why not publish it as an Kate-snippet ?

complete with link to spm and so forth...