simonkrauter / NiGui

Cross-platform desktop GUI toolkit written in Nim
MIT License
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`init` being undefined?? #187

Closed marioboi3112 closed 2 months ago

marioboi3112 commented 2 months ago

So i was trying to write a program in linux but for some reason it says that init is an undeclared identifier, even tho that i have imported nigui, image

here is the code in case i missed anything,

import nigui
var window = newWindow("NiGui Example")
# Create a window with a given title:
# By default, a window is empty and not visible.
# It is played at the center of the screen.
# A window can contain only one control.
# A container can contain multiple controls.

window.width = 600.scaleToDpi
window.height = 400.scaleToDpi
# Set the size of the window

# window.iconPath = "example_01_basic_app.png"
# The window icon can be specified this way.
# The default value is the name of the executable file without extension + ".png"

var container = newLayoutContainer(Layout_Vertical)
# Create a container for controls.
# By default, a container is empty.
# It's size will adapt to it's child controls.
# A LayoutContainer will automatically align the child controls.
# The layout is set to clhorizontal.

# Add the container to the window.

var button = newButton("Button 1")
# Create a button with a given title.

# Add the button to the container.

var textArea = newTextArea()
# Create a multiline text box.
# By default, a text area is empty and editable.

# Add the text area to the container.

button.onClick = proc(event: ClickEvent) =
# Set an event handler for the "onClick" event (here as anonymous proc).

  textArea.addLine("Button 1 clicked, message box opened.")
  window.alert("This is a simple message box.")
  textArea.addLine("Message box closed.")
# Make the window visible on the screen.
# Controls (containers, buttons, ..) are visible by default.

# At last, run the main loop.
# This processes incoming events until the application quits.
# To quit the application, dispose all windows or call "app.quit()".
simonkrauter commented 2 months ago

There is a name conflict between your source file app.nim and the identifier app used by NiGui. Two possible solution:

marioboi3112 commented 2 months ago

There is a name conflict between your source file app.nim and the identifier app used by NiGui. Two possible solution:

* Rename your source file.

* Replace `app.init()` by `` and `` by ``

yeah i saved the file as app.nim never knew it would make a conflict, thanks for the help, appreciate it!