Closed WilliamDraco closed 4 years ago
@WilliamDraco The handling of line break characters is done by Windows. When I press return in a text area and read the text
, I get a Windows line break (\p). If you have a string with only \n like in the example, then you have to convert it. I see no problem here.
Sorry for the lazy initial example. Here's a better example that might bring certainty:
import parsecfg
import nigui
var window = newWindow("test")
var cPrime = newLayoutContainer(Layout_Horizontal)
var loadButton = newButton("Load")
var saveButton = newButton("Save")
var textarea = newTextArea()
loadButton.onClick = proc(event:ClickEvent) =
var cfg:Config
cfg = loadConfig("test.cfg")
textarea.text = cfg.getSectionvalue("Testing", "TextAreaText")
saveButton.onClick = proc(event:ClickEvent) =
var cfg: Config
cfg = loadConfig("test.cfg")
cfg = newConfig()
cfg.setSectionkey("Testing", "TextAreaText", textarea.text)
If you type a text into the textarea, including at least one return/enter/newline, then hit the save button, then the load button - all new lines are removed. Reviewing the test.cfg file written shows that only a \n character was written to file.
I've added the helper proc convertLineBreaks
to make line break compatible for Windows, see
I think it's better to not call this proc inside from NiGui every time the text of a text area is changed, because of the additional runtime costs. Instead the application has to call convertLineBreaks
when it uses a text with potentially wrong line breaks.
For the given example, this means to change the line to:
textarea.text = cfg.getSectionvalue("Testing", "TextAreaText").convertLineBreaks
A related question is, why the line breaks stored not exactly by parsecfg. I will have a look on that. See
On Win10, the resultant text area is:
Due to the windows newline requiring \r\n (or \p) to achieve.
In my usecase, user types multi-line text into textarea. I save the textarea.text to file, and when saved this way it saves with only the \n escape characters. When textarea.text is then populated on loading the same file, the single-line version appears per above.
Recommended to have textarea.text receive enter/return presses as a \p escape character instead of \n