func linkNavigationContoller(navigationController: PLDLinkNavigationViewController!, didFinishWithAccessToken accessToken: String!, didFinishWithAccountId accountId: String!) {
print("success \(accessToken)")
linkPlaidBankAccount({ (stripeBankToken, accessToken) in
// completion handler with the necessary tokens
}, accessToken: accessToken, accountId: accountId) // send these two to the backend
especially, following lines of code I didn't get.
linkPlaidBankAccount({ (stripeBankToken, accessToken) in
// completion handler with the necessary tokens
}, accessToken: accessToken, accountId: accountId) // send these two to the backend
Thank you for this library. I am looking for generating Stripe bank token _btok__ using publicToken and account_id provided by Plaid.
I am successfully able to generate publicToken and _accountid.
Now, the problem is, How can I generate stripe bank token btok_?
Currently in Android developers are able to generate stripe bank token using Plaid.
But in iOS, I am facing difficulties in order to generate stripe bank token.
I went through following issue.
I am not understand following method.
especially, following lines of code I didn't get.
Can you please help me out?
Thank you.