simonmichael / hledger

Robust, fast, intuitive plain text accounting tool with CLI, TUI and web interfaces.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Please follow the XDG Base Dir Spec #1081

Open ghost opened 5 years ago

ghost commented 5 years ago

Although hledger allows specifying any file for configuration, it would be nice to have sane defaults that follow the spec and falls back to the legacy default locations.

There is a nice haskell library that implements this.

simonmichael commented 5 years ago

Thanks @BilLOPGVkPPn8z0JGJhgiAGNo9YAqpk5ruChl0F . Would you care to sketch out a design ? Eg what would change in hledger, and how would we handle the transition.

simonmichael commented 5 years ago

Also, how would you describe the impact/cost of the current behaviour ? Since we don't currently claim to follow that spec, perhaps this is more of a wish than a bug ? Ie how urgent/important is it.

ghost commented 5 years ago

Eg what would change in hledger, and how would we handle the transition.

XDG Base Dir env vars should be used if present, if not, fall back to the original defaults. Note that ~/.config, ~/.local/share, etc. would be better fallbacks and any sort of home pollution should be a last resort, but this requires breaking backwards compatability.

I'm hesitant to be more concrete as I'm not familiar with the internals of this project (and Haskell), but it seems that the ledger file should be searched for at "$XDG_DATA_HOME"/hledger.journal by default. Since hledger-ui for example does not create the file if missing, it should just be a single if statement (if that's idiomatic Haskell) to check if the relevant XDG Base Dir env vars are present, and if they are not, behave exactly the way hledger behaves right now (unless full compliance to the spec is desired).

Also, how would you describe the impact/cost of the current behaviour ?

The cost of the current behavior is home pollution and not following the spec, which among other aspects of Linux as a desktop OS, standardizes how applications should interact with the filesystem for configuration, caching, storing data, etc.

Since we don't currently claim to follow that spec, perhaps this is more of a wish than a bug ?

I thought "bug" was a more appropriate label since any application that supports Linux released after 2000 should follow the standard agreed upon by all major players in the Linux desktop world, but I think it's really up to how much the maintainers/users care. If it is a bug I would say it's a minor one.

Ie how urgent/important is it.

Since no one else in the plaintext accounting ecosystem has ever raised such an issue, I would say that urgency and importance is low. An issue however is that the longer it's not followed, the more difficult it becomes to follow in the future.

simonmichael commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the input. I'm probably in favour of moving in this direction, especially if someone wants to work on it. This has potentially a lot of details to be worked through. I'm certainly interested in exploring it further.

Let me cherry-pick one issue, the default location of the journal file.

To flesh this out, here are the two use cases I've been thinking of:

  1. A new user starts using hledger via add/iadd commands, following tutorials, and never thinks about where the data goes. Some folks will skip this step.
  2. Later on they want to use version control, or multiple files (included journals, csv files, csv rules..) which are best kept together, or they want to use an encrypted folder, or whatever. At this point they move the default file ($HOME/.hledger.journal) to its new location, and they deal with configuring the LEDGER_FILE environment variable (in all the environments where it's needed; or setting up command aliases to achieve the same effect).
ghost commented 5 years ago

Thanks so much for looking in this, the biggest disappointment with the plaintext accounting ecosystem has been how every tool seems to just dump everything into my home folder, I'm glad to see serious consideration.

I see what you mean about keeping the journal file location simple. However, with what I've proposed (leaning towards legacy fallback to be pragmatic) I don't think that's an issue at all. If there are no XDG base dir env vars present, nothing would change. Unless I'm mistaken, these env vars must be set manually, so a user that does not care would not have these env vars. I would be very happy with this behavior, even if it didn't fall back to ~/.local/share and all that.

So in terms of the two use cases you mentioned:

  1. New users that do not care about the location - nothing changes
  2. Users that are more involved with the files - setting yet another env var becomes unnecessary
simonmichael commented 5 years ago

I don't quite follow, if/when you have some time could you spell out the functional specification ?

ghost commented 5 years ago

could you spell out the functional specification ?

Do you mean the XDG spec?

simonmichael commented 5 years ago

I mean a specification for how hledger should behave (in detail).

simonmichael commented 5 years ago

If it's easier, we could chat about this on the IRC channel too.

simonmichael commented 5 years ago

Some related resources:

simonmichael commented 5 years ago

Here are hledger's current interactions with the filesystem, IIRC:

simonmichael commented 5 years ago


simonmichael commented 5 years ago
simonmichael commented 5 years ago

Sorry, I left this too long. Here are the thoughts I remember:

Re moving hledger's default journal to $HOME/.local/share/hledger/hledger.journal: I think it would be a disimprovement for the majority of hledger users using this file. That path requires remembering four things rather than one ($HOME/.hledger.journal). Also it suggests data that is owned and managed by the application, like say Firefox's bookmarks database, but hledger's data isn't really hledger's; it is primarily managed directly by the user, using multiple tools, version control etc. It should be in the place most convenient for them. I'm against this for now. We could review in a year (perhaps the BDS will improve this, or become more universally adopted).

Re the .hledger-web_client_session_key.aes: we should fix it not to write that, since we don't currently need sessions. Otherwise, we should make hledger-web store it in ~/.config/hledger/ $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR (which has no default, we'd have to pick it). Though, that would need further thought about what to do when the user runs multiple hledger-web instances.

If we ever add an official config file, it could be ~/.config/hledger/hledger.conf.

Re all the other kinds of files mentioned above, like the journal file I think they are under the user's control or belong next to their associated data files, so no change is needed for these.

ghost commented 5 years ago

Not sure if session keys should be in ~/.config, but overall seems very reasonable.

alerque commented 5 years ago

My opinion is that hlegder needs to give up having a "default" location at all and always operate on some file specified. Financial data is mine, not my app's nor just something it puts somewhere for me. Of all the things I have that needs good data management (versioning, backup) financial records are high in the list. It is not equivalent to a dotfile. Stop pretending it is. Fix the convenience issue another way. Perhaps have a default filename relative to PWD but no more.

simonmichael commented 5 years ago

Not sure if session keys should be in ~/.config, but overall seems very reasonable.

Cool. You're right, I meant $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR for that one. I see that has no default value, so we'd have to pick one.

@alerque, I agree. As I tried to say above, the default journal location is mainly just a convenience to get less-technical new users started easily. We expect that power users will actively manage their journal, somewhere else, and will set the LEDGER_FILE environment variable.

Perhaps we should open a new issue to continue thinking about this. Another option could be: when LEDGER_FILE is unset, assume a standard filename in the current directory.

ghost commented 5 years ago

XDG_RUNTIME_DIR is set by default through pam_systemd